
Assessment of the Efficacy of First and Second Generation of Depot Neuroleptics - 07/10/15

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(15)32073-3 
M. Spremo a, L.J. Babic b, M. Savic b
a Child and adolescent department, Psychiatry clinic, Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
b Department for psychotic disorders, Psychiatry clinic, Banjaluka, Bosnia and Herzegovina 



FGAs are successful for treatment, they are associated with significant adverse effects, some of which are irreversible. SGAs were developed for overcoming difficulties of managing adverse effects and are less associated with the physiological side effects, but are associated with an increased risk of dyslipidaemia, significant weight gain, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

The aim

Comparison of the efficacy and tolerability of FGAs and SGAs in schizophrenic patients in a period of 14 months, and accordingly, reference to the global functioning of patients.

Sample and method

The sample consists of 30 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, males and females aged between 18 and 55 years. They were divided into two groups, patients taking depo injection of the FGAs (15) and another group that received a depot preparation of the SGAs (15). We have used BPRS scale, CGI-S, CGI-I, the PANSS scale, GAF .

Comparing the results of this scale in both groups were used descriptive statistics T-test, X2 test and correlation tests.


FGAs group had worsening of 60% as measured by BPRS scale, 53% had a CGI-I scale assessment “severe ill” while not worsening occurred during the same time period in patients who have used the SGAs and the CGI-I had “significant improvement” (p<0.001). Differences between groups were in global functioning (GAF), which showed that patients with FGAs have a score of 41-50 (60%), whereas patients with SGAs have a score of 70-81 (80%) (p<0.001)


Comparison of FGAs and SGAs could improve the therapy protocol related to the benefits and adverse effects.

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Vol 30 - N° S1

P. 1610 - mars 2015 Retour au numéro
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