
Changes in heart rate variability to emotional information in short- and long-term alcohol abstinent patients - 14/11/15

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.09.204 
C. Claisse 1, , O. Cottencin 1, 2, L. Ott 1, G. Berna 1, T. Danel 2, J.-L. Nandrino 1
1 SCALab, UMR CNRS 9193, Department of Psychology, University of Lille, Lille, France 
2 Addictology Department of the University Hospital in Lille, Lille, France 

Corresponding author.



Severe alcohol use disorders (AUD, DSM5 criteria, 2013) are associated with changes in the dynamics of emotional processes and emotional experience [1]. The aim of the study was to compare emotional information processing in patients with AUD in short-term abstinence (STA, less than 1 month) and in long-term abstinence (LTA, at least 6 months) with control participants (C). We studied the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system with the heart rate variability (HRV) and more particularly high frequencies (HF). This indicator is recognized as a reliable marker of physiological activation in reaction to emotional stimuli and as a good marker of vulnerability to AUD [2].


The recording was performed for all participants during presentation of high emotional inducing stimuli presenting human interactions [3]. For each participant HRV was recorded before, during and after induction. Participants were asked to evaluate the intensity and the valence of emotional stimuli. In addition, a clinical and cognitive assessment was performed. We proposed in this study for abstinence in short- and in long-term to combine both behavioral and cognitive measures to this physiological indicator.


We observed:

– significant differences in HF-HRV between LTA and STA groups, controls and STA groups but not between LTA and C groups;

– significant correlations between craving scores [4] and HF-HRV results in LTA and STA groups.


The results support the relationship between the ability to process emotional information and the risk of relapse. HF-HRV results indicate specific deficits in regulation in STA group and also recoveries in LTA group. It suggests specific different therapeutic interventions in preventing the risk of relapse or maintenance of addiction.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Alcohol use disorders, Abstinence, Heart rate variability, parasympathetic system, Emotion


© 2015  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 30 - N° 8S

P. S108 - novembre 2015 Retour au numéro
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