
Consangunity and psychosis in Algeria. A family study - 14/11/15

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.09.373 
A. Dahdouh Guermouche 1, , J. Prados 2, M. Guipponi 2, F. Bena 2, L. Stenz 2, B. Semaoune 3, S. Antonarakis 2, H. Hamamy 2
1 Departement of psychiatry, university hospital of Oran, Oran, Algeria 
2 Departement of medical genetics, university hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland 
3 Departement of psychiatry, Central army hospital, Algeria 

Corresponding author.


Several studies have affirmed the existence of a strong and complex genetic component in the determination of psychotic disorders. However, the genetic architecture of these disorders remains poorly understood. GWAS studies conducted over the past decade have identified some associations to low effect, and the major part of this heritability remains unexplained, thus calling into question the hypothesis of “common disease – common variant” for model involving a large number of rare variants. Family studies of extended pedigrees selected from geographical isolate can be a powerful approach in identifying rare genetic variants of complex diseases such as psychotic disorders. Here, we studied four multigenerational families in which co-exist psychotic and mood disorders and a high rate of consanguinity, identified in the northwest of Algeria. This case-control study aimed to characterize new rare genetic variants responsible for psychosis. These families have received complete clinical and genealogical investigations, genome wide analysis that were performed in the laboratory of medical genetics in the university hospital of Geneva. A genome wide research CNVs using Agilent Human Genome CGH Microarray Kit 44K, covering 45 subjects including 20 patients and in a control population of 55 individuals. Three CNVs that had never been reported to date have been identified in one of four families and validated by two techniques. It is the dup 4q26, and 16q23.1 del del21q21. These CNVs are transmitted by either parent line, suggesting a cumulative effect on the risk of psychotic disorders. Further analyzes using pan-genomic linkage analysis using GWAS chip (Illumina Human 660W-Quad v1.0 Breadchip) and complete WES (by GAIIx Illumina/HiSeq 2000) were performed in some related individuals to search other mutations may explain the appearance of the phenotype in this population.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : CNV, Consanguinity, Genetic, Psychotic, GWAS, WES


© 2015  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 30 - N° 8S

P. S85 - novembre 2015 Retour au numéro
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  • Sociocultural aspects of consanguinity
  • M. Taleb, M. Ben Salem, I. Bouchareb
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  • Consanguinité et prédisposition génétique à l’épilepsie
  • A. Chentouf

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