
Gender differences in the manifestation of brain fag, depression and indices of anxiety among secondary school students in Nigeria - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.282 
D. Igbokwe 1, , B.A. Ola 2, R.J.E. Ndom 3
1 Covenant University, Psychology, Ota, Nigeria 
2 Lagos State University College of Medicine, Department of Behavioural Medicine- Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Lagos, Nigeria 
3 University of Ilorin, Behavioural Sciences, Ilorin, Nigeria 

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Secondary school students in Nigeria are under intense pressure to perform well in their academics so as to have competitive advantage in advancing their studies. This pressure has been linked to western derived psycho-pathologies such as depression, anxiety and culture bound syndrome such as brain fag syndrome.


To examine gender differences in the manifestation of brain-fag syndrome, depression, and anxieties among students about to participate in Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) and West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in Nigeria.


Two hundred and nine (209) students (X age=14.27, SD=2.18) were administered a battery of tests comprising of the Brain Fag Syndrome Scale, Brain Fag Propensity Scale, State Trait Anxiety Inventory, Patient Health Questionnaire, Mathematics Anxiety Inventory and Test Anxiety Inventory. The data was subjected to a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).


The result showed no significant gender differences in the manifestation of brain-fag syndrome, depression, and anxieties, F (6, 202)=0.947, P0.01; Pillai's Trace=0.03, partial η2=0.02. In consonance with earlier studies, males reported higher brain fag mean scores than female participants (X=5.46, SD=2.06; X=4.88, SD=2.43).


The study has shown that adolescents who are about to take their final examinations manifest brain fag propensity and go on to manifest symptoms of the brain fag syndrome. But, there is no significant gender difference in the manifestation of brain fag syndrome among males and females.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S154 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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