
Prevalence rate, demographic and clinical predictors of substance use disorders in emergency room psychiatric patients of a tertiary hospital in Canada - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.987 
V. Agyapong 1, , M. Juhas 2
1 Department of Psychiaty, Fort McMurray, University of Alberta, Canada 
2 Department of Psychiatry, Edmonton, University of Alberta, Canada 

Corresponding author.



There is only a limited body of literature which has examined the factors which can predict the presence of substance use disorders (SUD) in psychiatric patients seeking emergency room (ER) treatment.


To examine the factors that can predict the likelihood that a patient presenting to the emergency room and referred to the liaison psychiatric team will suffer from a SUD.


Nineteen independent demographic and clinical factors from data assessment tools for 477 patients assessed by the liaison psychiatric team in the ER over 12 months were compiled and analysed using univariate analyses and logistic regression in SPSS (version 20).


The 12-month prevalence rate of all SUDs in our clinical sample was 24.7%. Patients who presented to the ER with a chief alcohol and/or drug related complaint (withdrawal or intoxication) were 142 times more likely to fulfill the diagnostic criteria for SUD compared to those who presented with non-SUD related complaints. Male patients or patients with forensic history were both three times more likely to suffer from SUD than female patients or patients with no forensic history, respectively.


There is a high prevalence of SUDs among psychiatric patients assessed in the ER. In addition to targeting patients who present to the ER with an alcohol or drug withdrawal/intoxication for brief psycho-educational interventions and referrals to addiction treatment services, patients with forensic history and male patients should be targeted for SUD screening.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S290 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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