
Discontinuation vs. continuation treatment with neuroleptics for a better long-term outcome - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.918 
L. Wunderink 1, , R. Nieboer 2, F. Nienhuis 3, S. Sytema 3, D. Wiersma 3
1 Friesland Mental Health Services, University Medical Center Groningen, Research & Education, Psychiatry, Leeuwarden, Netherlands 
2 Friesland Mental Health Services, Research and Education, Leeuwarden, Netherlands 
3 University Medical Center Groningen, Psychiatry, Groningen, Netherlands 

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Long-term functional outcome of dose-reduction/discontinuation strategies in first-episode psychosis (FEP) has not been studied before. The present study compared 7-year outcome of an early antipsychotic dose-reduction/discontinuation (DR) strategy with maintenance treatment (MT). Primary outcome was (symptomatic and functional) recovery; relapse rates, functional and symptomatic remission were secondary outcomes.


FEP patients (n=128) symptomatically remitted for 6m during their first treatment year who completed an 18 months trial comparing MT and DR were followed-up at 7 years. Symptomatic remission criteria were adopted from Andreasen et al., functional remission criteria were based on a functioning scale. Recovery was defined as meeting both criteria sets. MT or DR strategy, and baseline parameters were entered in a logistic regression analysis with symptom and functional remission and recovery at 7-years follow-up as dependent variables.


One hundred and three patients consented to participate. DR-patients showed twice the recovery-rate of MT-patients (40% against 18%), odds ratio 3.5 (P=.014). Symptomatic remission-rates were equal (69% and 67%). Better DR recovery-rates were attributable to higher functional remission-rates (46% vs. 20%) in DR. Predictors of recovery were DR, baseline living together and less severe negative symptoms. During the last 2 years of follow-up the mean daily dose in haloperidol equivalents was 2.20mg in DR vs. 3.60mg in MT (P=.031).

Relapse rates were initially higher in DR but leveled at 3 years; 61.5% relapsed in DR and 68.6% in MT in 7 years.


DR of antipsychotics during early stages of remitted FEP significantly improved 7-years outcome in terms of recovery and functional remission compared to maintenance treatment. Though initially relapse rates in GD were higher, these equalled those in MT from 3 years to the end of the study. While the necessity of immediate antipsychotic treatment in FEP and positive symptoms relapse is robustly demonstrated in a great number of studies, this study suggests that we are faced with a dilemma concerning the drawbacks of long-term maintenance antipsychotic treatment on functional capacity. Though antipsychotic discontinuation appears only feasible without relapse in a substantial minority of patients, guided dose-reduction as far as positive symptoms remain subsided and allow it, appears a feasible strategy in view of functional recovery, doing justice to both sides of the dilemma.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S50 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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