
The impact of anesthesia on hemodynamic and volume changes in operative hysteroscopy: a bioimpedance randomized study - 18/04/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.jclinane.2016.06.023 
Ehab E. Moharram, MD a, , 1  : Lecturer of Anaesthesia, Ahmed M. El Attar, MD b, 2  : Professor of Anaesthesia, Moustafa A. Kamel, MD b, 3  : Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
a Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University 
b Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University 

Corresponding author at: Medical Research Institute, 165 El Horreya St, Alexandria, Egypt. Tel.: +20 3816319, +20 1002413526.Medical Research Institute165 El Horreya StAlexandriaEgypt



Operative hysteroscopy is accompanied by the use of distention medium. Its absorption can lead to volume overload and hemodynamic disturbances that can lead to serious complications. We investigated the impact of the type of anesthesia on decreasing these complications with the use of noninvasive thoracic bioimpedance.


A prospective, randomized, blind study.


Sixty women, with American Society of Anesthesiologists classifications I-III, undergoing operative hysteroscopy were randomly allocated into 2 groups. Spinal anesthesia group received intrathecal 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 12.5 mg and 25 μg fentanyl; the other group received general anesthesia with intravenous analgesia, propofol, and rocuronium followed by endotracheal intubation. Total glycine absorption, cardiac output, systemic vascular resistance, thoracic fluid content (noninvasive thoracic bioimpedance), and serum sodium were measured.


Women in the general anesthesia group showed more significant changes in the total glycine absorption, thoracic fluid content, and hemodynamic parameters. Serum sodium decreased significantly postoperatively in the general anesthesia group.


Spinal anesthesia is associated with less glycine absorption, less thoracic fluid load, better control of hemodynamics, and better patient satisfaction in operative hysteroscopy.

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Anesthesia has an impact on hemodynamics and glycine absorption in hysteroscopy.
Thoracic bioimpedance measures the hemodynamics and thoracic fluid.
Spinal anesthesia provides less glycine absorption than general anesthesia.
Spinal anesthesia provides better hemodynamic and thoracic fluid control.
Spinal anesthesia provides more patient satisfaction.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Bioimpedance, Glycine, Hysteroscopy, Spinal anesthesia


 Brief statement: We conducted this study to search for an appropriate anesthetic technique during operative hysteroscopy that could decrease complications associated with glycine absorption such as volume overload, and hemodynamic and electrolyte disturbance. This was detected by the use of noninvasive thoracic bioimpedance intraoperatively.
☆☆ Funding statement: The authors declare hereby that the study did not receive any form of financial support.
 IRB contact: local ethical committee of the Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, 165 El Horreya Avenue, Alexandria, Egypt
Correspondence: Prof Ebtesam Ghazawy
Tel.: +201284209033
fax: +2034283719
Postal code: 21561
E mail: mri-vdg@alexu.edu.eg

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Vol 38

P. 59-67 - mai 2017 Retour au numéro
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