
Arginine metabolism and deprivation in cancer therapy - 18/09/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109210 
Songyun Zou a, Xiangmei Wang a, Po Liu a, Changneng Ke a, , Shi Xu a, b,
a Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Shenzhen Longhua District Central Hospital, Shenzhen, China 
b Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 

Corresponding authors at: Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Shenzhen Longhua District Central Hospital, Shenzhen, China.Department of Burn and Plastic SurgeryShenzhen Longhua District Central HospitalShenzhenChina

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pages 11
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Reviewed the function of arginine and its metabolites in arginine deprivation therapy.
Discussed the difference of arginine deiminase and recombinant human arginase in cancer therapy.
Summarized the lasted findings of preclinical and clinical study in arginine deprivation therapy in cancer.

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Certain cancer cells with nutrient auxotrophy and have a much higher nutrient demand compared with normal human cells. Arginine as a versatile amino acid, has multiple biological functions in metabolic and signaling pathways. Depletion of this amino acid by arginine depletor is generally well tolerated and has become a targeted therapy for arginine auxotrophic cancers. However, the modulatory eff ;ect of arginine on cancer cells is very complicated and still controversial. Therefore, this article focuses on arginine metabolism and depletion therapy in cancer treatment to provide systemical review on this issue.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Arginine, Metabolism, Deprivation, Cancer


© 2019  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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