
Effets du sulfonate de sodium carbazochrome combiné à l’acide tranexamique sur l’hémostase et l’inflammation pendant la période périopératoire de l’arthroplastie totale de la hanche: un essai contrôlé randomisé - 02/02/22

Effects of carbazochrome sodium sulfonate combined with tranexamic acid on hemostasis and inflammation during perioperative period of total hip arthroplasty: A randomized controlled trial

Doi : 10.1016/j.rcot.2021.09.140 
Yue Luo a, Yeersheng Releken a, Dan Yang b, Yong Yue c, Zi Liu c, Pengde Kang a,
a Department of Orthopaedics, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, 37# Wainan Guoxue Road, 610041 Chengdu, People's Republic of China 
b Department of Anesthesiology, Mianyang Hospital of T.C. M, 14#Fucheng road, 621000 Fucheng District, Mianyang, People's Republic of China 
c Department of Orthopaedics, ka’ramay Municipal Peoples’ Hospital, 5# Fenghua Road, 834000 Ka’ramay, People's Republic of China 

Auteur correspondant.



The hemostatic effect of tranexamic acid (TXA) combined with carbazochrome sodium sulfonate (CSS) in total hip arthroplasty (THA) has not been determined. Therefore we performed a randomized study aiming to evaluate the effects of CSS combined with TXA on perioperative blood loss and inflammatory response of THA.


CSS combined with TXA can effectively reduce perioperative blood loss and immune response compared to TXA.

Material and methods

This randomized placebo-controlled trial assigned 150 patients undergoing unilateral primary total hip arthroplasty who underwent direct anterior approach surgery to 3 groups: group A received TXA plus topical CSS; group B received TXA only; and group C received placebo. The main outcome was total blood loss. Secondary outcomes included reduction in hemoglobin concentration, coagulation parameters, inflammatory marker levels, perioperative visual analog scale (VAS) pain score, transfusion rates, postoperative hospital stay, and incidence of thromboembolic events.


Total blood loss in group A (668.84±230.95mL) was lower than in group B (940.96±359.22mL) and C (1166.52±342.85mL, p<0.05). We also found that compared with group B, postoperative hip pain, biomarker level of inflammation, visual analogue score (VAS) pain score in group A were significantly improved. The transfusion rate and unit of group A were significantly lower than group C (8 patients; 17.5 units), but there was no statistical difference between group A (no transfusion) and group B (2 patients; 4 units). No differences were observed in thromboembolic and other outcomes among the groups.


The combined application of topic CSS and TXA is more effective than TXA alone following THA in regard of reducing total blood loss. In addition, CSS combined with TXA is better than TXA alone in terms of improving postoperative hip pain and reducing the level of inflammatory factors.

Level of evidence

I; randomized controlled study.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Carbazochrome sodium sulfonate, Tranexamic acid, Inflammation, Hemostasis, Total hip arthroplasty

 Cet article peut être consulté in extenso dans la version anglaise de la revue Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research sur Science Direct (sciencedirect.com) en utilisant le DOI ci-dessus.

© 2021  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 108 - N° 1

P. 59 - février 2022 Retour au numéro
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