
Industrial-produced lemon nanovesicles ameliorate experimental colitis-associated damages in rats via the activation of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant responses and microbiota modification - 27/04/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2024.116514 
Vincenza Tinnirello a, 1, Maria Grazia Zizzo b, 1, Alice Conigliaro a, Mariangela Tabone c, d, Nima Rabienezhad Ganji a, Adele Cicio b, Carlo Bressa c, e, Mar Larrosa c, f, Francesca Rappa g, h, Giuseppe Vergilio g, Roberta Gasparro a, Alessia Gallo i, Rosa Maria Serio b, Riccardo Alessandro a, j, 2, Stefania Raimondo a, 2,
a Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics (Bi.N.D), University of Palermo, Section of Biology and Genetics, Palermo 90133, Italy 
b Department of Biological, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF), University of Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Palermo 90128, Italy 
c MAS Microbiota Group, Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid 28670, Spain 
d Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid 28670, Spain 
e Faculty of Experimental Sciences, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid 28670, Spain 
f Department of Nutrition and Food Science, School of Pharmacy, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain 
g Department of Biomedicine, Neurosciences and Advanced Diagnostics (BIND), Institute of Human Anatomy and Histology, University of Palermo, Palermo 90127 Italy 
h Institute of Translational Pharmacology, Section of Palermo, National Research Council (CNR), Palermo 90146, Italy 
i Research Department, IRCCS-ISMETT (Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione), Palermo 90127, Italy 
j Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation (IRIB), National Research Council (CNR), Palermo 90146, Italy 

Corresponding author.


Plant-derived nanovesicles (PDNVs) have recently emerged as natural delivery systems of biofunctional compounds toward mammalian cells. Considering their already described composition, anti-inflammatory properties, stability, and low toxicity, PDNVs offer a promising path for developing new preventive strategies for several inflammatory diseases, among which the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study, we explore the protective effects of industrially produced lemon vesicles (iLNVs) in a rat model of IBD. Characterization of iLNVs reveals the presence of small particles less than 200 nm in size and a profile of bioactive compounds enriched in flavonoids and organic acids with known beneficial properties. In vitro studies on human macrophages confirm the safety and anti-inflammatory effects of iLNVs, as evidenced by the reduced expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increased levels of anti-inflammatory markers. As evidenced by in vivo experiments, pre-treatment with iLNVs significantly alleviates symptoms and histological features in 2,4 dinitrobenzensulfuric acid (DNBS)-induced colitis in rats. Molecular pathway analysis reveals modulation of NF-κB and Nrf2, indicating anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Finally, iLNVs affects gut microbiota composition, improving the consistent colitis-related alterations. Overall, we demonstrated the protective role of industrially produced lemon nanovesicles against colitis and emphasized their potential in managing IBD through multifaceted mechanisms.

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Graphical Abstract

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Lemon nanovesicles (iLNVs) play a protective role against DNBS-induced colitis in rat.
iLNVs decrease colitis-associated inflammatory damages.
iLNVs restore the rat intestinal permeability acting on tight junctions.
iLNVs shape the gut microbiota.

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Keywords : Plant-derived nanovesicles, Citrus limon L., Inflammatory bowel disease, Inflammation, Oxidative stress, Microbiota


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