
How a hospital pharmacist can contribute to a more sustainable operating theater - 28/04/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.jviscsurg.2023.11.004 
Ninon Rouvière a, Maria Pitard a, Etienne Boutry b, Michel Prudhomme b, Martin Bertrand b, Géraldine Leguelinel-Blache a, c, Virginie Chasseigne a, c,
a Pharmacy department, Nîmes University Hospital Center, Montpellier University, place du Professeur-Robert-Debré, 30029 Nîmes cedex 9, France 
b Digestive Surgery Department, Nîmes University Hospital Center, University of Montpellier, Nîmes, France 
c Desbrest Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, Inserm, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France 

Corresponding author: Pharmacy department, Nîmes University Hospital Center, Montpellier University, place du Professeur-Robert-Debré, 30029 Nîmes cedex 9, France.Pharmacy department, Nîmes University Hospital Center, Montpellier Universityplace du Professeur-Robert-DebréNîmes cedex 930029France


Healthcare sectors, particularly operating theaters, are major consumers of resources. Given today's climate-related issues, its seems vital that the different healthcare professionals in operating areas become aware of their roles. This is pronouncedly the case for hospital pharmacists, who fulfill cross-sectional functions in the proper use and management of healthcare products and sterile medical devices. The objective of this review of the literature is to identify the actions a hospital pharmacist can take to impel evolution toward ecologically responsible care in the operating theater. Seven areas in which a pharmacist can assume a leading, supporting or composite role in rendering an operating theater ecologically responsible have been highlighted: purchasing, procurement and storage, harmonization of practices, modification of practices, professional attire, waste elimination and research/teaching. The active participation of all healthcare professionals, including the hospital pharmacist, is essential to the development of a sustainable approach to healthcare.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Eco-responsibility, Operating theater, Hospital pharmacist, Medical devices, Drugs


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Vol 161 - N° 2S

P. 37-45 - avril 2024 Retour au numéro
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