
Impact of bone levels on stress distribution around all-on-four concept: A 3-D finite element analysis - 04/05/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.jormas.2024.101905 
Gülin ACAR , Taha Özer
 Hacettepe University Faculty of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Ankara, Turkey 

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This study aimed to investigate the impact of implant placement levels within the bone on stress distribution in the context of the All-on-Four concept. In this Finite Element Analysis(FEA), two 4.1 mm x 10 mm implants were axially placed in the anterior region of the jawbone, while two 4.1 mm x 14 mm implants were tilted at 30 ° in the posterior region following the all-on-four concept. In the EC scenario, all implants were inserted at the equicrestal level. In other scenarios, implants were positioned at 1 mm and 2 mm subcrestal levels (SC1, SC2). In all groups, the prosthesis was designed to replicate a group-function occlusion. A total load of 450 N was applied to the prosthesis. Upon deeper implant placement below the crest level, a trend of decreasing Von Mises stresses was observed in both implants and implant fragments. The highest Pmax value in the bone was recorded in SC-2, characterized by the absence of cortical bone support, with values of 3.16 N/mm2 in the anterior region and 1.55 N/mm2 in the posterior region. Conversely, the lowest Pmax values were noted in SC-1 for the anterior implant (2.67 N/mm2) and the EC for the posterior implant (0.87 N/mm2). Implant placements devoid of cortical bone support result in stress transmission from the implant and its components to the peri-implant bone. Optimal stress minimization is achieved by placing anterior axial angle implants deeper than the crest level while retaining cortical bone support and positioning posterior tilted implants at the crest level.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Dental implants, Bone level implant, Finite element analysis, Alveolar bone loss


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