
P01-163 - Predictors of fear of flying - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)71874-0 
M. Latas 1, M. Pantic 1, V. Starcevic 2
1 Institute of Psychiatry, Belgrade, Serbia, Australia 
2 Univeristy of Sidney, Sidney, WA, Australia 



It seems that flying phobia is relatively common in general population. Studies show the lifetime prevalence rates of flying phobia in general population ranging from 2.5 to 2.9%


To ascertain in a sample of an urban general population.


The subjects in this study were participants from non-clinical, urban general population in Belgrade, Serbia. The sample consisted of 216 participants who were assessed in 2010. The assessment of the participants was done by the following instruments: Socio-demographic and flight history questionnaire and The Visual Analogue Flight Anxiety Scale.


On the Visual Analogue Flight Anxiety Scale participants mostly rated their intensity of flight anxiety on the low level. The mean value was 1.24 (SD=1.42) and almost 2/5 of participants reported that they do not have any flight anxiety. But, 60.6% of sample reported that they have some level of flight anxiety. The statistically significant predictors of the flight anxiety were female gender and older age of the first flight. The other of socio-demographic (Age, Marrital status, Parenthood status, Education level, Employment) and flight history (History of flying, Age of first flight, Flying in the last 10 years and Traumatic experiences) variables did not emerge as possible predictors of the flight anxiety.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 163 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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