
Evaluation of effectiveness of prophylactic cerclage of a short cervix according to interleukin-8 in cervical mucus - 19/08/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.ajog.2005.06.014 
Masatoshi Sakai, MD a, Arihiro Shiozaki, MD a, Mika Tabata, MD a, Yasushi Sasaki, MD a, Satoshi Yoneda, MD a, Takashi Arai, MD b, Kiyoshi Kato, MD c, Yoshihiro Yamakawa, MD d, Shigeru Saito, MD a
a Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University 
b Kurobe City Hospital 
c Takaoka General Hospital 
d Takaoka Saiseikai Hospital, Toyama, Japan 



This study was undertaken to compare rates of preterm delivery according to cervical mucus interleukin-8 (IL-8) among women who underwent cerclage because of a short cervix.

Study design

This retrospective study included 16,508 patients whose cervical length and cervical mucus IL-8 concentrations were measured between 20 and 24 weeks. A short cervix was defined by a length of 25 mm or less, whereas IL-8 concentrations exceeding 360 ng/mL were considered high. Whether to perform cerclage was decided by clinicians without consideration of IL-8 concentrations.


Among all subjects, a significantly smaller percentage of subjects avoided delivery before 37 weeks when cervical mucus IL-8 was elevated (P = .0302) or the cervix was short (P < .0001). Among patients with a short cervix, preterm delivery was more likely when cervical mucus IL-8 was elevated. Overall, risk of preterm delivery in patients with a short cervix did not differ between those undergoing and not undergoing cerclage. However, among patients with a short cervix, those with normal IL-8 concentrations in cervical mucus were less likely to have preterm delivery if they underwent cerclage (before 37 weeks, 33% vs 54.5%, P = .01; before 34 weeks, 4% vs 13.6%, P = .03). In contrast, when cervical mucus IL-8 was high, delivery before 37 weeks was more likely with than without cerclage (78% vs 54.1%, P = .03).


With normal cervical mucus IL-8, cerclage treatment for cervical shortening may reduce the rate of preterm delivery, but with elevated cervical mucus IL-8 cerclage may be harmful.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Key words : Cervical incompetence, Inflammation, Preterm delivery, Transvaginal ultrasonography, Uterine cervix


 This work was supported partly by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Nos. 13470347 and 16591648) and 21st Century COE Program.
Reprints not available from the author.

© 2006  Mosby, Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 194 - N° 1

P. 14-19 - janvier 2006 Retour au numéro
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