
2151 – Psychosocial rehabilitation: issues and problems of the developing countries - 09/07/13

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(13)77032-9 
V. Varma
 Park Center, Fort Wayne, IN, USA 


Psychosocial rehabilitation can be viewed in terms of the impact of mental illness on social functioning so as to contain the illness-related problems. In the developing countries, there is need to develop approaches for both social and occupational rehabilitation. Most developing countries lack resources to be applied to this end, e.g. state-supported welfare programmes, sheltered workshops, half-way houses, etc. Hence models need to be developed suited to the need, constraints and the philosophy of the country.

The approach to supervised housing has been much developed in the West. In this regard, a basic question is the applicability and implementation of the formal, “democratic”, egalitarian set-up of such half-way homes to the traditional social structure of many developing countries. The functioning of half-way homes in the West also involves deliberate role-playing.

Thus, half-way homes need to be adapted in the traditional societies. The formal structured may be replaced by an organization resembling a large family with the members assigned filial roles. Also, the dependency needs, the respect for elders and the indulgence and dependability of members towards each other can be exploited in the organization of half-way homes and for the therapeutic and health-promotive goals.

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Vol 28 - N° S1

P. 1 - 2013 Retour au numéro
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