
0182: Bioresorbable everolimus eluting stents in coronary arteries. Preliminary implantation data and follow up of 65 patients - 07/02/15

Doi : 10.1016/S1878-6480(15)71498-9 
Joel Sainsous, Gilles Bayet, Jerome Brunet, Xavier Hager Francois, Laurent Meille, Frederic Ortuno, Ghislaine Dufaitre, Catherine Meuleman
 Clinique Rhône Durance, Cardiologie, Avignon, France 


Between february 2013 and april 2014, of 1450 coronary angioplaty procédures realized in our institution, 65 patients, aged 64.3 (40-94), underwent coronary artery stenting with Absorb Biovascular Scaffold (BVS)

Clinical data

exercise angina 22 patients, acute coronary syndromes 37 (including acute myocardial infarction 5), silent ischemia 7, heart failure 2. Ten patients suffered diabètes (15%) and 14 experienced previous coronay interventions (20%).

Procedural data

all stents have been implanted under angiographic control (except two cases including IVUS imaging) in de novo lésions through a radial approach with 6F guiding catheters following mandatory predilatation. 44 patients had single vessel desease (67%) and 21 multivessel desease. Target vessel was the left anterior descending artery in 35 cases, left circumflex in 10 and right artery in 14. 68 stents have been delivered; three patients had two BVS; 16 patients had also metallic drug eluting stents in other arteries. Side branch dilatation had to be performed in 4 patients. Implantation was successfull in all cases.

In hospital follow up

No death Complications: side branch occlusion with non Q wave infarction in one case and transient ischaemic attack in one another. 58 patients left the institution the day after the procedure under conventionnal dual antiplatelet therapy.

Out hospital follow up

at 6.2 month (1-15) all patients were event free (100%) Three patients had angiographic control at one year and were free of restenosis; one another had 70% angiographic restenosis at the edges of the stent and underwent longer DES implantation (TLR: 1.5%). Three other patients had computed tomography scanner control at one year with no evidence of restenosis, including one case demonstrating restoration of systolic compression of the stented segment in a myocardal bridging whereas diastolic diameter was normal.


at that time our preliminary data confirm the safety of the BVS device at implantation and at six months follow up.

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Vol 7 - N° 1

P. 4 - janvier 2015 Retour au numéro
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