
0509: Effect of maximal exercise tolerance on response time in Tunisian sporting students - 07/02/15

Doi : 10.1016/S1878-6480(15)71735-0 
Héla Adala 1, Hosni Bouhlel 2, Ezzeddine Bouhlel 3
1 Centre National de la Médecine de sport, Explorations en médecine de sport, Tunis, Tunisie 
2 Lycée sportif de monastir, Monastir, Tunisie 
3 INSEP Tunis, Tunis, Tunisie 



The response time has a significant role on the sports performance, particularly during speed tests. An initial maximum exercise could affect this response time and therefore the performance.


to study the influence of a maximum test on the response time at Tunisian sporting pupils.

Materials and Methods

70 sports students participated in the study (16 years ±1.12, sex ratio = 1.5). They carried out a triangular Stress Test on ergometric bicycle according to the Wasserman protocol. We measured simple response time (SRT) and complicated (CTR) before and after the maximum test using the Superlab software (version 7.01). The sports specialities were: athletics 21 (30%), judo 20 (28.6%), karate 16(22.9%), game of bowls 7(10%) and gymnastics (8.5%).


The simple response time (SRT) was on average 345.82ms±41.92 before the stress test and 349.35ms±48.44 after the test; with a non-significant difference (p=0.64). The error rate decreased after the exercise in a non-significant way (p=0.20). About the complicated response reaction time (CRT), the values were respectively 465.29ms±59.41 and 456.13ms±52.76 before and after the test (p=0.33). The error rate also decreased after the exercise in a non-significant way (p=0.45). No influence of the BMI was found on measures of SRT and CRT as well before and after effort.

The sporting specialty seems to influence the CRT before and after effort.

The comparison of the average measures of the response time between sporting specialties showed a statistically significant difference on the CRT before ST between the karatekas and the judokas (p=0.04) and on the CRT after ST between the gymnasts and the karate experts (p=0.04).


The stress test realized in this study does not have a significant effect on the simple or complex response time of our young sportsmen. The sex as well as the sporting specialties influence only relatively the complex response time.

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Vol 7 - N° 1

P. 87 - janvier 2015 Retour au numéro
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