
0015: High LDL cholesterol decreases life expectancy in primary prevention - 07/02/15

Doi : 10.1016/S1878-6480(15)71737-4 
Florent Séguro 1, Vanina Bongard 2, Dorota Taraszkiewicz 1, Emilie Bérard 2, Michel Galinier 3, Didier Carrié 1, Jean-Bernard Ruidavets 2, Jean Ferrières 1
1 Toulouse University Hospital (CHU), Cardiology B, Toulouse, France 
2 Toulouse University Hospital (CHU), UMR1027 INSERM-University of Toulouse III, Epidemiology, Health Economics and Public Health, Toulouse, France 
3 Toulouse University Hospital (CHU), Cardiology A, Toulouse, France 

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The 2012 ESC guidelines recommend a LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) lower than 3mmol/L for subjects at low or moderate risk with a class I/A and a strong grade. According to ESC, statins should be used as the drugs of first choice. The aim of this study was to assess the association between elevated LDL-C with total and cardiovascular (CV) mortality in primary prevention.


Our study population consisted in patients who had been admitted from 1995 to 2011 in a preventive cardiology unit of a large French university hospital. We excluded patients whose age was less than 30 and all patients with previous ischemic heart disease. Vital status in 2011 was checked through the death national database.


4885 patients were included (59% men; 53±10 yrs). After a mean follow-up of 8.6 years, 129 deaths, including 31 CV deaths, were recorded. The mean LDL-C was 3.98±1.18mmol/L (3.90 in men and 4.11 in women). Among these 4885 patients, 2648 (54.2%) had LDL-C lower than 4mmol/L, 1890 (38.7%) had LDL-C between 4 and 6mmol/L, 347 (7.1%) had LDL-C higher than 6mmol/L, and 1833 (37.5%) were on current lipid-lowering treatment. After adjustment for age, gender, smoking, hypertension and diabetes, an increased LDL-C > 4mmol/L was significantly associated with all cause mortality (hazard ratio (HR) 2.06; 95% confidence interval (CI) [1.42-3.00], p=0.001) and with CV mortality (HR 2.18; 95% CI [1.04-4.57], p=0.04). After adjustment for these classical risk factors and for lipid-lowering treatment, LDL-C remained significantly associated with an increasing risk of all cause mortality; with LDL-C < 4mmol/L as a reference class, LDL-C levels between 4 and 6mmol/L were associated with an increased all cause mortality (HR 1.72; 95% CI [1.17-2.54], p=0.006) as well as LDL-C > 6mmol/L (HR 2.60; 95% CI [1.49-4.85], p=0.001).


LDL-C levels higher than 4mmol/L were significantly associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in primary prevention.

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Vol 7 - N° 1

P. 87-88 - janvier 2015 Retour au numéro
Article précédent Article précédent
  • 0013: Predictive accuracy of the ESC score in French general population
  • Emilie Bérard, Florent Séguro, Vanina Bongard, Jean Dallonge-ville, Dominique Arveiler, Philippe Amouyel, Aline Wagner, Jean-Bernard Ruidavets, Jean Ferrières
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