
0344: Why levosimendan should be considered for the treatment of viral myocarditis in children - 07/02/15

Doi : 10.1016/S1878-6480(15)71764-7 
Pierre-Emmanuel Séguéla, Nadir Tafer, Jean-Baptiste Mouton, Xavier Iriart, Philippe Mauriat, Jean-Benoit Thambo
 CHU Bordeaux, Hôpital Haut-Lévêque, Cardiologie pédiatrique et congénitale, Pessac, France 



Animal studies showed that levosimendan protects cardiomyocytes against apoptotic cell death in acute viral myocarditis. In addition to its inotropic properties, levosimendan seems to prevent the detrimental effects of oxidative stress and to limit cardiomyocyte loss.


To analyze the outcome of children who received levosimendan for acute or fulminant viral myocarditis.

Patients and methods

Retrospective single center study covering the period 2007- 2013. All children (<18 years) with viral myocarditis were treated, in association with epinephrine and/or milrinone, with a 24-hours infusion of levosimendan. Clinical, biological and echocardiographic evolutions were analyzed.


Between 2007 and 2013, 18 successive children were treated, 9 for acute myocarditis and 9 for fulminant myocarditis (according to the international clinicopathological classification). Median age was 4 years (1.1-11) and median weight was 15kg (10-40). BNP level significantly decreased 48 hours after the beginning of the infusion (4599ng/L [2698-9266] vs 1928ng/L [848-4557], p=0.05). No dialysis was necessary. Among the fulminant myocarditis group, 1 patient (11%) required early mechanical circulatory support with a limitation of care due to severe neurologic complications. 13 patients (72%) recovered a LVEF >55% (100% for the acute myocarditis group). 1 patient had heart transplantation 18 months later.


In our experience, levosimendan was efficient for the inotropic support of acute and fulminant viral myocarditis. We believe that its cardioprotective effect enabled us to limit the use of mechanical assistance (only 11% of the fulminant forms) and allowed a recovering of the cardiac function for the majority of the patients. Although further clinical studies are needed to confirm these data, levosimendan should be systematically considered for the treatment of these critical patients.

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Vol 7 - N° 1

P. 96 - janvier 2015 Retour au numéro
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