
Effectiveness of a personalized rehabilitation-reconditioning program in brain tumors - 26/09/15

Doi : 10.1016/j.rehab.2015.07.230 
N. Khalil, Dr a, , L. Leyes-Bret a, D. Marcon, Dr a, M.F. Ferry a, M. Blonski, Dr b, M. Poussel, Dr c, B. Chenuel, Prof c, L. Taillandier, Prof b, J. Paysant, Prof a
a Institut régional de réadaptation de Nancy, Nancy, France 
b Service de neuro-oncologie, CHU de Nancy 
c Service d’épreuves fonctionnelles respiratoires, CHU de Nancy 

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Exercise behavior has shown its interest in cancers and may have a prognosis value in brain tumors [1]. The aim of this prospective study is to show the effectiveness of a guided personalized rehabilitation-reconditioning program in brain tumors.


Inclusion criteria: patients over 18; complain of fatigue and decrease or interruption of a physical activity; histological diagnosis of brain tumor; Karnofsky Performance Status>60. Exclusion criteria: major neurological or cognitive impairment; cardiac or pulmonary contraindication; high risk of tumor progression.


Patients underwent an incremental, physician-supervised cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) before including the personalized rehabilitation reconditioning program. The program included 5 to 10 individualized sessions, supervised by a physiotherapist; from 30 to 45minutes per session; 1 to 2 times per week; altered or continuous on walking treadmill or bicycle. The endurance phase was calculated depending on results of the CPET. The objectives of the sessions were personalized; the physical therapist gave the patient therapeutic advices to continue physical activity after the reconditioning program, with a written notebook of follow-up for self- sessions provided at home. The primary outcome was a 6-minute walk test (6MWT) [2].


Nineteen patients, mean aged of 53 years old (standard deviation 14.2) were proposed by the neurologist to follow the program; 11 had high-grade glioma and 8 of them low-grade glioma. Fourteen patients were included; 9 completed the program, 3 are currently following it. At follow up, all patients who had completed the program increased their walking speed from 1.68m/sec (6km/h) to 1.92m/sec (6.9km/h) (p=0.022).


Brain tumor survivors can improve walking function after a personalized and guided rehabilitation reconditioning program. This study is a preliminary study before a controlled study measuring the effects of such a program on quality of life and survey in glioblastoma.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Cardiorespiratory rehabilitation, Brain tumour, Glioma, Physical activity, Walking speed


© 2015  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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P. e94 - septembre 2015 Retour au numéro
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