
Community-based 4-level approach: Background, implementation and evidence for efficacy - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.858 
U. Hegerl 1, , E. Arensman 2, C. van Audenhove 3, T. Baader 4, R. Gusmão 5, A. Ibelshäuser 6, Z. Merali 7, C. Rummel-Kluge 8, V. Peréz Sola 9, R. Pycha 10, A. Värnik 11, A. Székely 12
1 University of Leipzig, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Leipzig, Germany 
2 NSRF, National Suicide Research Foundation, Cork, Ireland 
3 LUCAS, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 
4 Universidad Austral de Chile Facultad Medicina, Instituto Neurociencias Clinicas, Valdivia, Chile 
5 EUTIMIA, EUTIMIA, Lisbon, Portugal 
6 Pro mente tirol, St. Pölten, Austria 
7 University of Ottawa, Institute of Mental Health Research, Ottawa, Canada 
8 Stiftung Deutsche Depressionshilfe, University of Leipzig, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Leipzig, Germany 
9 Parc de Salut Mar Barcelona, Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Addicions, Barcelona, Spain 
10 Krankenhaus Bruneck, Abteilung für Psychiatrie, Bruneck, Italy 
11 ERSI, Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute, Tallinn, Estonia 
12 Semmelweis University, Institute of Behavioural Science, Budapest, Hungary 

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The community-based 4-level-intervention concept developed within the “European Alliance against Depression” (www.eaad.net/) combines two important aims: to improve the care and treatment of patients with depression and to prevent suicidal behavior. It has been shown to be effective concerning the prevention of suicidal behavior [1, 2, 3, 4] and is worldwide the most broadly implemented community-based intervention targeting depression and suicidal behavior. The 4-level intervention concept comprises training and support of primary care providers (level 1), a professional public relation campaign (level 2), training of community facilitators (teacher, priests, geriatric caregivers, pharmacists, journalists) (level 3), and support for self-help of patients with depression and for their relatives (level 4). In order to deepen the understanding of factors influencing the effectiveness of the intervention, a systematic implementation research and process analysis was performed within the EU-funded study “Optimizing Suicide Prevention Programs and Their Implementation in Europe” (www.ospi-europe.com/; 7th Framework Programme) [5]. These analyses were based on data from four intervention and four control regions from four European countries. In addition to intervention effects on suicidal behaviour, a variety of intermediate outcomes (e.g. changes in attitude or knowledge in different populations) were considered. Strong synergistic as well as catalytic effects were identified as a result of being active simultaneously at four different levels. Predictable and unpredictable obstacles to a successful implementation of such community-based programs will be discussed. Via the EAAD, the intervention concept and materials (available in eight different languages) are offered to interested region in and outside of Europe.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S31-S32 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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