
Quality management and economic downturn. Post-modern topics of community psychiatry - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2093 
A. Zangrando 1, , F. Babici 2, E. Pascolo-Fabrici 3, A. Riolo 2
1 University of Trieste, Department of Mental Health, Trieste, Italy 
2 CSM Domio, Department of Mental Health, Trieste, Italy 
3 UCO Clinica Psichiatrica, Department of Mental Health, Trieste, Italy 

Corresponding author.



The reduction of the budget allocated to community psychiatry is part of financial needs in times of economic crisis. However, the community psychiatry is based on human resources rather than on technological devices and the economic downturn affects the quality of care in a field where the social and relational capital developed by mental health workers is fundamental. Some authors such as Serge Latouche propose to stem the economic decline with the concept of “degrowth”, a constructive idea but difficult to apply.


We would like to analyze whether the economic downturn has consequences only for the organization of psychiatric services or even for people with severe mental disorders. Another issue concerns the possibility that economic downturn increases the social exclusion of vulnerable people.


People who live on social welfare or disability pension remain on the margins of society but also those supported by families feel increasingly marginalized with respect to the future.


The provision of mental health services may not meet the implicit and explicit wishes in the demand for health by citizens and society. It's therefore necessary to review the quality management within community psychiatry.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S565 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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