
Predictive value of liver damage for severe early complications and survival after heart transplantation: A retrospective analysis - 13/04/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.clinre.2018.03.006 
Pascal Lebray a, 1, , Shaida Varnous b, 1, Alina Pascale a, Philippe Leger a, b, c, d, Charles Edouard Luyt c, Vlad Ratziu a, Mona Munteanu d, Salima Ould Amar b, Dominique Thabut a, Jean Chastre c, Alain Pavie b, Thierry Poynard a, Pascal Leprince b
a Hépato-gastroentérologie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, 47-83 boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France 
b Cardiothoracic Surgical Unit, Paris, France 
c Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Unit Department, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France 
d Biopredictive Research, Paris, France 

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Patients with terminal heart failure present a high frequency of liver insufficiency and ascites.
Like creatinine, parameters at listing indicative of liver injury as bilirubin and ascites, were independent variables for perioperative complications, including primary graft dysfunction.
A continuum exists between liver and kidney injury, perioperative complications, ECMO support following heart transplantation and 3-month mortality.
From listing, a composite score including MELD and ascites could predict the postoperative survival in a subgroup of severely ill patients.

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Hepatic dysfunction is often associated with advanced heart failure. Its impact on complications following heart transplantation is not well known. We studied the influence of preoperative hepatic dysfunction on the results of heart transplantation with a specific priority access for critical patients.


Consecutive heart transplantation patients were retrospectively analyzed at listing to detect predictive factors for early complications and survival following heart transplantation.


Among heart transplant candidates (n=384), median age was 52 years, dilated and ischemic cardiopathies were present in 44% and 32%, respectively. Clinical ascites was present in 15.6% and median MELD score was 13. A temporary circulatory support and a national priority access were necessary in 14.8% and 35% respectively. Whereas 12% of the global cohort died on the waiting list, 321 patients were transplanted, 34.2% suffered from severe early complications, 26.3% needed extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in postoperative period, 27.7% died before 3 months with a 5-year survival rate of 56%. At listing, clinical ascites, and creatinine were independently associated with specific early complications i.e. primary graft dysfunction and septic shock respectively. Bilirubin level was also an independent marker of other early complications. Finally, need for postoperative circulatory support and postoperative 90-day mortality were strongly and exclusively associated with clinical ascites and creatinine at listing. In a subgroup analysis, we predicted more accurately the postoperative survival at 3 months by combining MELD score and ascites.


At listing, hepatic and renal dysfunctions are independent risk factors that could predict severe early complications and mortality following heart transplantation in the most severe patients.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Heart transplantation, Liver dysfunction, Ascites, MELD, Early complication, Survival



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