
P02-525 - Suicidal and Parasuicid in Bosnia and Hercegovina - 05/05/11

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(11)72826-7 
M. Novakovic 1, V. Despotovic 2, Z. Naskovic 2, R. Novakovic 3, O. Stevanovic 4
1 University of East Sarajevo, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 
2 Centar of Mental Health, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 
3 Nova-Medic, Private Ginecologic-Opstretric, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 
4 Gymnasium Filip Visnjic, Bijeljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina 


The aim of the study is to analyse the impacts of the suicidal and parasuicidal behaviour in B&H in relation to transition and structures of suicidal personalities.


Two self-destructive groups were tested in B&H in the period 01. January 1999. to 31. December 2009. The test group consists of n=150 subjects who had suicide, and control group consists of n=150 persons with parasuicidal behaviour. We used: GDL, EPQ, HDRS and Pluchic’s test in a longitudinal study.


Self-destructivity has been increasing in B&H. Socio-demographic data of the suicide are: gender=71.11%±3.25 (m) 27.50%±3.30 (f), broken family=35.50%±3.77, migration=55.21%±3.20, heredity=55.10%±2.11 and parasuicide: gender=35.81%±4.31 (m), 27.60%±2.10 (f), broken family=55.77%±3.90, migration=58.60%±5.15, heredity=43.50%±3.10. EPQ in suicide is: M±SD-neuroticism=17.10±8.20, psychosis=19.72±7.10, and in parasuicide extroversion=21.20±5.30 and Lay -scale=14.87±4.40, and significance P<0.01. HDRS is increased in suicide: H±SD: depression: 3.30±1.20, emotion of guilt=3.10±1.20, suicide=5.80±1.25, early insomnia=2.20±1.15, anxiety=2.10±1.15 with P<0.01, and in parasuicide: hypochondria=1.45±1.10, depersonalization=1.90±0.70 with P<0.01. Pluchic’s test separates basic emotions, and all is gathered by matrix of discriminative function.


In the study is proven high level of self-destruction in suicidal and parasuicidal behaviour. Suicide shows faster self-destruction and a way of suicidal end, and parasuicide slower destruction with postponing the suicidal crash. Sign of suicide and parasuicide can be found in both groups of respondents and the ways of expression are different, but definite in suicide.

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Vol 26 - N° S1

P. 1121 - 2011 Retour au numéro
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  • P02-524 - Family and psychopathological impact of sexual abuses
  • M.P. Novakovic, V. Despotovic, Z. Naskovic, R. Novakovic, O. Stevanovic
| Article suivant Article suivant
  • P02-526 - Psychosocial Characteristics of Homicides in Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • M.P. Novakovic, V. Despotovic, Z. Naskovic, R. Novakovic, O. Stevanovic

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