
EPA-1353 – How children and adolescents with adhd evolve into adultwood? - 01/08/14

Doi : 10.1016/S0924-9338(14)78567-0 
T. Cartaxo 1, S. Domingues 2, J. Monteiro 3, J. Boavida 4, S. Nogueira 4, M. Almeida 5, C. Alfaiate 5
1 Child Psychiatry, Coimbra's Pediatric Hospital, Coimbra, Portugal 
2 Pediatrics, Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa, Penafiel, Portugal 
3 Pediatrics, Centro Hospitalar de Entre Douro e Vouga, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal 
4 Pediatrics, Coimbra's Pediatric Hospital, Coimbra, Portugal 
5 Psychology, Coimbra's Pediatric Hospital, Coimbra, Portugal 



Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the neurobehavioral disorder most common in school-age children. It is estimated to persist into adulthood in about 65% of cases, causing significant impact on job performance, social functioning and overall quality of life.


Assess functional and quality of life impact in young adults diagnosed with ADHD as children/adolescent.


Cross-sectional study between January and March 2013 with telephone interviews to patients aged over 18 years previously diagnosed with ADHD and followed in a pediatric consultation. We analyzed sociodemographic variables, co-morbidities, performance at school/work, interpersonal relationships and risk taking activities. Statistical analysis done using SPSS.


40 young adults were included, the mean age 20 years. 42.5 % were still students and 20% were unemployed. About 12–18% of cases had a problematic relationship with superiors. In some cases we found risk taking habits, mainly tobacco, alcohol and drug use. A minority of them reported being evolve in some sort of crime or violence. There was no statistically significant association between that and the duration of use of medication. Only 12.5 % of cases were followed in adult psychiatry.


As described in literature, there's a high rate of unemployment and tobacco, alcohol and drug use. It is possible that this sample is not representative of the population with ADHD as doesn’t include severe cases (followed by child psychiatrists). Most patients didn’t have followup showing the importance a better transition of care from adolescence to adulthood.

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Vol 29 - N° S1

P. 1 - 2014 Retour au numéro
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  • A. Zdanowicz, P. Wierzbinski
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  • S. Sazonov

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