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Este producto existe y está activo pero no existe en el idioma actualmente seleccionado.

Gilles Escarguel (Rédacteur en chef), Fabienne Ongaro (Secrétaire de rédaction)

From September, 1st, 2010 onwards, Manuscripts written in the English language only will be accepted for submission to Geobios.

Geobios publishes bimonthly in English original peer-reviewed articles of international interest in any area of palaeontology, palaeobiology, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography, stratigraphy and biogeochemistry. All taxonomic groups are treated, including microfossils, invertebrates, plants, vertebrates, and ichnofossils. Geobios welcomes descriptive papers based on original material as well as more analytically and/or methodologically-oriented papers. A high priority level is given to synchronic and/or diachronic studies based on multi- or inter-disciplinary approaches mixing various fields of Earth and Life Sciences. Works based on extant data are also considered, provided they offer significant insights into geological-time studies. Since 2000, Geobios is the official publication of the European Association of Paleontology.

All accepted and published articles (including electronic Supplementary

Data) are available online at Q2 (#16/41) in Paleontology (JCR®/Thomson Scientific).

Journal Impact Factor (2008): 1.089 (2-yr), 1.122 (5-yr)

From September, 1st, 2010 onwards, Manuscripts written in the English language only will be accepted for submission to Geobios.

Geobios publishes bimonthly in English original peer-reviewed articles of international interest in any area of palaeontology, palaeobiology, palaeoecology, palaeobiogeography, stratigraphy and biogeochemistry. All taxonomic groups are treated, including microfossils, invertebrates, plants, vertebrates, and ichnofossils. Geobios welcomes descriptive papers based on original material as well as more analytically and/or methodologically-oriented papers. A high priority level is given to synchronic and/or diachronic studies based on multi- or inter-disciplinary approaches mixing various fields of Earth and Life Sciences. Works based on extant data are also considered, provided they offer significant insights into geological-time studies. Since 2000, Geobios is the official publication of the European Association of Paleontology.

All accepted and published articles (including electronic Supplementary

Data) are available online at Q2 (#16/41) in Paleontology (JCR®/Thomson Scientific).

Journal Impact Factor (2008): 1.089 (2-yr), 1.122 (5-yr)

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    • Latest impact factor (2011) : 1,01

      La revue n'est plus publiée par Elsevier Masson. Pour avoir les données les plus à jour, visitez le site général du groupe Elsevier

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