
Production and issuing of pooled granulocytes concentrates from whole blood donations in France - 24/11/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.tracli.2021.08.015 
Thibaut Bocquet , Pascal Morel
 EFS siège, La Plaine Saint-Denis, France 

Corresponding author.



Pooled granulocytes concentrates from whole blood buffy coats (PGC) may be an alternative to apheresis granulocytes concentrates (AGC) and is associated with a lesser donor risk.


A total of 20 ABO identical buffy coats are selected for processing into one PGC. Four pools of five buffy coats (P5) are prepared. After the addition of 200ml of platelet additive solution, each pool is centrifuged to obtain a granulocyte rich layer. Two granulocyte rich layers are pooled and 70ml of plasma from one of the initial blood donations is added (=PGC10). The final PGC (=PGC20) is obtained by pooling two PGC10 in a platelet storage bag and is X-ray irradiated.


Between March and December 2020, EFS produced 223 PGC20: volume=423±33ml, granulocytes content=2.02×1010±0.35, hematocrit=21 %±5 %, mean number of platelets: 4.5×1011. 65 PGC10 for pediatric purposes were also produced, including 13 PGC10 which underwent an additional deserythrocytation washing step. PGC are produced on demand 5 days a week to maintain products available for transfusion 6 days a week all year long. Issued PGC were ABO matched with the recipient and RH1 matched for children and women of childbearing age. 44 patients were transfused with PGC. Clinical efficacy did not appear to be inferior to AGC.


PGC prepared over this first year of implementation display characteristics in accordance with the EDQM guide (V20). Indications and transfusion conditions of PGC were similar to AGC. Their safety profile for the blood donors and their availability are in favor of their use. Tolerance is good. Further studies are necessary to confirm these findings and to evaluate clinical efficacy.

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