
De l'adolescent déficient mental qui pose des actes sexuels transgressifs - 01/01/05

Doi : 10.1016/j.amp.2005.08.008 
E. de Becker
Psychiatre infantojuvénile du programme SOS-Enfants Saint-Luc, place Carnoy 16, 1200 Bruxelles, Belgique 

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Les cas de figure où les mineurs qui transgressent sexuellement présentent une déficience mentale sont aujourd'hui encore éloignés du champ de nos perceptions et de ce qu'elles peuvent représenter. Quoique probablement peu fréquentes, ces situations n'en sont pas moins préoccupantes par le rapport qu'elles posent entre limitation cognitive et transgression de limites. À la lumière du rappel de considérations sur le développement psychoaffectif et sexuel des sujets handicapés mentaux, l'article interroge ce qui amène les jeunes déficients à transgresser sexuellement. Le texte développe ensuite une vignette clinique en mettant en exergue les « facteurs favorisants » et la position subjective du jeune handicapé mental. La dernière partie est consacrée au canevas de prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique. Ainsi, l'évaluation conduit alors au traitement qui repose sur deux pôles, le premier, psychoéducatif, le second, psychothérapeutique.

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Although they are not very frequent, cases of sexual transgressions of mentally handicapped teenagers, which today are recognized and taken into account, are nonetheless preoccupying due to the question they pose as to the relation between cognitive limitation and the transgression of limits. Teenagers are sometimes allowed to transgress the natural laws as well as the rules that any society makes for the best possible socialization of all. Sexual transgressions of mentally handicapped teenagers are still far from our mental perceptions and representations. Certain young people express an alarming sexuality that leads to abuses or perversions; among these we will examine the mentally handicapped. Their situation is to be taken seriously without stigmatisation or predictions of a heavy “psychopathological career”. This article proposes to examine the general considerations related to the sexuality and psychoemotional development of mentally handicapped teenagers. In the light of these aspects we will then question what brings handicapped teenagers to commit sexual transgressions. We will examine responsibilities and, in some situations, the search for a “sexualised mothering” echoing a massive anguish. The article will then elaborate on a clinical case examining the “supporting factors” and the subjective position of the young person. The last part of the article is devoted to the groundwork of assumptions related to diagnostic and therapeutic responsibility. How do we evaluate? With which criteria? Who do we meet? Can we establish a forecast? The evaluation then leads to the treatment based on two poles, the first, psychoeducational, the second, psychotherapeutic. The treatment, in its first pole will accompany the individual in his life and his relations, particularly in the field of sexuality. It will then approach, among others, the questions about the legitimate needs and desires of persons, the desired, realistic and realizable applications that can be possible. The treatment's intention consists in leading the young person, within the limits of his or her potentialities, to choose the right object, to manage his/her phantasms from the point of view of respect of the other. The second pole's psychotherapeutic object is to meet the young person in his existential difficulties; the idea is to offer him/her his/her own place of development adapted in function of the handicap and centred on the “environment and associations” caused by the transgression of a sexual nature. Finally, the aim of this article is to bring the clinical cases of mentally handicapped teenagers in our field of perceptions, our representations, and our developments in terms of accompaniment.

El texto completo de este artículo está disponible en PDF.

Mots clés : Adolescence, Déficience mentale, Passage à l'acte, Sexualité, Transgressions sexuelles

Keywords : Acting, Adolescence, Mental handicap, Sexual transgression


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Vol 164 - N° 7

P. 557-564 - septembre 2006 Regresar al número
Artículo precedente Artículo precedente
  • Apports de la neurobiologie en psychiatrie de l'enfant et de l'adolescent
  • J.-M. Guilé
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  • Les stratégies d'attachement, leur transmission et le fonctionnement familial d'adolescentes anorexiques mentales
  • S. Delannes, C. Doyen, S. Cook-Darzens, M.-C. Mouren

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