
Distal radius reconstruction using a split vascularized fibula. Two cases following giant cell tumor resection - 26/10/11

Doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2011.06.010 
M. Legname a, , S. Barbary b, G. Dautel b
a H.I.A. Legouest, 27, avenue de Plantières, BP 90001, 57077 Metz cedex 3, France 
b Émile-Gallé Surgical Center, Émile-Gallé Surgical Center, 49, rue Hermite, 54052 Nancy cedex, France 

Corresponding author. Tel.: +06 61 87 45 90.

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We propose a distal radius reconstruction technique that provides a strong stable wrist while preserving mediocarpal range of motion. Two cases of giant cell tumor of the distal end of the radius were treated. The technique included en bloc resection of the lesion followed by wrist reconstruction with partial arthrodesis. A vascularized fibular graft was used. With 4 years of follow-up for patient 1 and 1 year for patient 2, range of movement in flexion was, respectively, 20°and 20°; in extension, 20 and 30°; in pronation, 80 and 30°; and in supination, 20 and 15°. Strength reached 68 and 57% of the strength of the opposite side. The time to union of the radial graft and the carpal graft was 2 months in both cases. This technique provided cosmetic and functional results matching the results reported in the literature. It increases the reliability of the procedure and the recovery process.

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Keywords : Vascularized fibular graft, Bone graft, Distal radius, Giant cell tumor, Bone tumors


© 2011  Publicado por Elsevier Masson SAS.
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Vol 97 - N° 7

P. 762-765 - novembre 2011 Regresar al número
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