
La fatigue des patients atteints d’une maladie de Crohn en rémission : exploration du rôle du parcours médical et des facteurs psychologiques - 27/04/12

Doi : 10.1016/j.amp.2011.07.007 
I. Banovic a, , J.-L. Pédinielli b, D. Gilibert c, A. Jebrane d, J. Cosnes e
a Pôle AAFE, laboratoire IPSé (EA 4432), Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La-Défense, esplanade Erasme, BP 26513, 21065 Dijon cedex, France 
b Laboratoire de psychopathologie clinique et de psychanalyse, EA 3278, UFR de psychologie, université de Provence, 29, avenue Robert-Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1, France 
c Pôle AAFE, laboratoire SMPS (EA 4180), université de Bourgogne, esplanade Erasme, BP 26513, 21065 Dijon cedex, France 
d Université de Bourgogne, IMB (UMR 5584), 9, avenue Alain-Savary, BP 47870, 21078 Dijon cedex, France 
e Hôpital Saint-Antoine, université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, 184, rue du Faubourg-Saint-Antoine, 75571 Paris cedex 12, France 

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La fatigue au cours de la maladie de Crohn est le plus souvent renvoyée à la maladie. Toutefois, il a été montré que même en période de rémission, un certain nombre de patients demeuraient fatigués. D’autres facteurs explicatifs sont donc à rechercher, tant dans le parcours médical que dans la représentation causale de la maladie, sa gravité perçue, la souffrance psychologique. Les résultats obtenus auprès de 77 patients atteints d’une maladie de Crohn en rémission ont montré que le niveau de fatigue générale (MFI) générait des différences significatives pour la gravité cumulée de la résection intestinale, la dépression (Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale [HADS]), l’anxiété-trait et état (STAI YA/B) et la douleur (Échelle Visuelle Analogique [EVA]). L’analyse par régression multiple a montré que seule l’intensité de la dépression et celle de l’anxiété-trait étaient liées à l’intensité des scores de fatigue, l’anxiété-trait constituant alors un facteur de vulnérabilité. Les résultats sont interprétés comme traduisant un effet du travail de la maladie où la fatigue serait la traduction d’une adaptation partielle à la maladie de Crohn en lien avec une vulnérabilité personnelle préexistante. La fatigue serait à la fois le point de convergence d’une réalité médicale et d’une réalité subjective lorsque la maladie est cliniquement active, et un point de divergence entre ces deux réalités lors des périodes de rémission pour certains profils de patients.

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Fatigue is a common complaint in IBD disease. Medical factors (anemia, medicinal side effects, activity of the disease) partially explain IBD-related fatigue. Research has shown that fatigue is persistent even if the disease is in remission. Other factors need to be considered in order to understand this phenomenon. Fatigue could be considered as a consequence of disease history. But it also appears necessary to consider patients’ causal attribution of the disease, the perceived gravity of their trouble and the presence of psychological suffering.


Seventy-seven patients with Crohn’s Disease in remission were enrolled. They answered questionnaires assessing fatigue (MFI), depression (HADS), anxiety (HADS, STAI YA/B), perceived severity (CGI1), pain EVS and a causal attribution scale. Information about disease history was collected from the MICISTA database for the 10-year period preceding the assessments (the number and severity of clinical relapses, the number of hospitalizations due to a major degradation of the clinical condition, the number of intestinal surgeries, the severity of bowel resection evaluated by the Post Surgical Handicap Index, type of medical treatment taken at the time of evaluation). Patients were compared using the CGI1 median (ANOVA) and the General Fatigue median (t-test). Then MFI scores were analyzed with a multiple regression.


The results showed only one significant relation between perceived severity of the disease and pain. Dichotomization of patients according to the median level of general fatigue showed that patients were significantly more tired, more depressed, anxious, and in pain than less tired patients. They also had a more serious bowel resection and a significantly worse perception of the severity of their current troubles. The analysis of correlation showed that none of the medical disease-related history was linked in fatigue scores. In contrast, intensity of depression and anxiety-related variables (more particularly trait-anxiety) were the most involved in fatigue scores intensity. Only the perceived severity and the internal-external dimension of causal attributions respectively were linked to the severity of general fatigue and reduced activity.


These results confirm that if fatigue is associated with medical factors including the period of clinical activity (as was demonstrated elsewhere), this medical reality would not play a role when the disease is in remission. The influence of anxiety and depression is consistent with that observed in other studies. Trait-anxiety would increase the vulnerability to the onset of fatigue. This could partially explain why some patients remain tired even in remission. Fatigue could be also understood as a manifestation of the work of the disease which can be conceived as the totality of psychic operations involved in the subject’s relation to his illness. This psychic work is particularly difficult because it requires both development and a waiver of certain aspects of the self. This difficulty is reflected in the appearance of depression, but may also occur to a lesser extent by the complaint of being tired. In the context of chronic disease, it is then possible to hypothesize that fatigue could be a manifestation of the work of the disease in individuals already vulnerable because of an anxious dimension of personality. Understanding and management of fatigue in patients with Crohn’s disease requires the transition to a more personal understanding of the meaning attributed to each patient’s illness and fatigue. In any case, it seems essential to reconsider the weight of the patient’s objective medical history in fatigue and the physicians’ attributions linking it to the disease.

El texto completo de este artículo está disponible en PDF.

Mots clés : Histoire médicale, Maladie de Crohn, Rémission, Travail de la maladie, Vulnérabilité

Keywords : Crohn’s disease, Disease related history, Remission, Vulnerability, Work of disease


© 2011  Elsevier Masson SAS. Reservados todos los derechos.
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