
Efficacy of anakinra in calcium pyrophosphate crystal-induced arthritis: A report of 16 cases and review of the literature - 30/05/13

Doi : 10.1016/j.jbspin.2012.07.018 
Sébastien Ottaviani a, Lauren Brunier a, Jean Sibilia c, François Maurier d, Marc Ardizzone e, Daniel Wendling f, Ghislaine Gill a, Elisabeth Palazzo a, Olivier Meyer a, Philippe Dieudé a, b,
a Service de rhumatologie, hôpital Bichat, université Paris-Diderot, AP–HP, 46, rue Henri-Huchard, 75018 Paris, France 
b Inserm U699, université Paris-Diderot, Paris, France 
c Service de rhumatologie, CHU de Strasbourg-Hautepierre, Strasbourg, France 
d Service de médecine interne, CH de Metz, Metz France 
e Service de rhumatologie, CH de Mulhouse, Mulhouse, France 
f Service de rhumatologie, CHU de Besançon, Besançon, France 

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Calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) crystal-induced arthritis occurs particularly in elderly people. This population has frequently associated comorbidities and treatments, which could limit the use of conventional therapies (colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids). The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy and tolerance of anakinra in patients with CPP crystal-induced arthritis.


We performed a multicentric retrospective chart review of patients who received anakinra for CPP crystal-induced arthritis. Demographic information, comorbidities, co-prescription, short-term treatment outcomes, adverse event, complication and subsequent flares were reviewed.


A total of 16 patients (12 females, mean age: 80.2±11.1 years) received anakinra (100mg subcutaneously per day). The mean number of anakinra injection was 15.5±42.9 per patient (median: 3). All patients had contraindication and/or failure to conventional therapies. The majority (14 [87.5%]) of patients with CPP crystal-induced arthritis demonstrated a beneficial response to anakinra therapy: 10 good responses and four partial responses. A relapse occurred in six (37.5%) patients (mean time to relapse: 3.4±4.9 months). One patient had an acute bacterial pneumonitis.


Our results suggest that anakinra is relatively well tolerated and could be a good option in the treatment of CPP crystal-induced arthritis, illustrating that IL-1β blockade may be helpful to control flares in patients having CPP crystal-induced arthritis for which conventional therapies are ineffective or contra-indicated.

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Keywords : Calcium pyrophosphate crystal, IL-1b, Anakinra, Arthritis


© 2012  Société française de rhumatologie. Publicado por Elsevier Masson SAS. Todos los derechos reservados.
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Vol 80 - N° 2

P. 178-182 - mars 2013 Regresar al número
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