
Paraphilic disorder in the 21st century - 13/04/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.2203 
A.R. Caldeano , J. Nunes, P. da Costa
 Hospital Sousa Martins, Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health of Sousa Martins Hospital, ULS Guarda, Guarda, Portugal 

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The term paraphilia refers to the sexual preferences and conducts that divert from what is generally accepted for a certain society in a given historic and cultural period. It demonstrates the practices that involve the use of non-human objects, mandatory humiliation and sexual suffering or non-consensual involvement of sexual partners.

A paraphilic disorder is a paraphilia, which, presently, causes uneasiness and damages not only the patient but also others, as these behaviours exclude or damage the other affecting the patient's social relationships.

Paraphilias are only practiced by a small percentage of the world's population. However, the causes are only reported if there is a search for treatment or if there are any legal complications. By which is believed that the prevalence is higher than the number of diagnosed cases.

Although there are already a few paraphilia types registered, new forms of practice of this disturbance are emerging, mainly associated to the use of new technologies, as the Internet.

The authors propose to produce a bibliographic review concerning the concept of paraphilic disorders and its exhibition forms; identify therapeutic strategies; perform a time frame regarding paraphilias and analyze the influence that the new technologies have in paraphilic disorders.

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Vol 33 - N° S

P. S591 - mars 2016 Retour au numéro
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