
Effects of Breastfeeding on Respiratory Symptoms in Infancy - 24/06/16

Doi : 10.1016/j.jpeds.2016.03.041 
Olga Gorlanova, MD 1, , Simone Thalmann, MD 1, , Elena Proietti, MD 1, 2, Georgette Stern, PhD 2, Philipp Latzin, MD, PhD 1, 2, Claudia Kühni, MD, PhD 3, Martin Röösli, PhD 4, Urs Frey, MD, PhD 1,
1 University Children's Hospital (UKBB), University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland 
2 Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, Inselspital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland 
3 Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (ISPM), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland 
4 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland 

Reprint requests: Urs Frey, MD, PhD, University Children's Hospital (UKBB), Spitalstrasse 33, 4056 Basel, Switzerland.University Children's Hospital (UKBB)Spitalstrasse 33Basel4056Switzerland



To assess the impact of potential risk factors on the development of respiratory symptoms and their specific modification by breastfeeding in infants in the first year of life.

Study design

We prospectively studied 436 healthy term infants from the Bern-Basel Infant Lung Development cohort. The breastfeeding status, and incidence and severity of respiratory symptoms (score) were assessed weekly by telephone interview during the first year of life. Risk factors (eg, pre- and postnatal smoking exposure, mode of delivery, gestational age, maternal atopy, and number of older siblings) were obtained using standardized questionnaires. Weekly measurements of particulate matter <10 μg were provided by local monitoring stations. The associations were investigated using generalized additive mixed model with quasi Poisson distribution.


Breastfeeding reduced the incidence and severity of the respiratory symptom score mainly in the first 27 weeks of life (risk ratio 0.70; 95% CI 0.55-0.88). We found a protective effect of breastfeeding in girls but not in boys. During the first 27 weeks of life, breastfeeding attenuated the effects of maternal smoking during pregnancy, gestational age, and cesarean delivery on respiratory symptoms. There was no evidence for an interaction between breastfeeding and maternal atopy, number of older siblings, child care attendance, or particulate matter <10 μg.


This study shows the risk-specific effect of breastfeeding on respiratory symptoms in early life using the comprehensive time-series approach.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : infants, breastfeeding, interaction, longitudinal study, respiratory symptoms

Abbreviations : BILD, GAMM, PM10, RR


 Supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (324730_144280). The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

© 2016  Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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P. 111 - juillet 2016 Retour au numéro
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