
Drosophila melanogaster “a potential model organism” for identification of pharmacological properties of plants/plant-derived components - 25/04/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.03.001 
Komal Panchal , Anand K. Tiwari
 Genetics & Developmental Biology Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences & Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Advanced Research/IAR, Koba Institutional Area, Gandhinagar 382 007, Gujarat, India 

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pages 15
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Graphical abstract

Potential of Drosophila melanogaster for the identification of pharmacological properties associated with plants/plant-derived components.

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Plants/plant-derived components have been used from ancient times to treat/cure several human diseases. Plants and their parts possess several chemical components that play the vital role in the improvement of human health and their life expectancy. Allopathic medicines have been playing a key role in the treatment of several diseases. Though allopathic medicines provide fast relief, long time consumption cause serious health concerns such as hyperallergic reactions, liver damage, etc. So, the study of medicinal plants which rarely cause any side effect is very important to mankind. Plants contain many health benefit properties like antioxidant, anti-aging, neuroprotective, anti-genotoxic, anti-mutagenic and bioinsecticidal activity. Thus, identification of pharmacological properties of plants/plant-derived components are of utmost importance to be explored. Several model organisms have been used to identify the pharmacological properties of the different plants or active components therein and Drosophila is one of them. Drosophila melanogaster “fruit fly” is a well understood, high-throughput model organism being used more than 110 years to study the different biological aspects related to the development and diseases. Most of the developmental and cell signaling pathways and ∼75% human disease-related genes are conserved between human and Drosophila. Using Drosophila, one can easily analyze the pharmacological properties of plants/plant-derived components by performing several assays available with flies such as survivorship, locomotor, antioxidant, cell death, etc. The current review focuses on the potential of Drosophila melanogaster for the identification of medicinal/pharmacological properties associated with plants/plant-derived components.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Abbreviations : CNS, AD, NFT, PD, HD, RING, SOD, CAT, GPx, GST, MDA, AO, HSP70, JNK, BOD, AIDS

Keywords : Drosophila melanogaster, Medicinal plant, Plants/plant-derived components, Pharmacological properties, Development, Behavior


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Vol 89

P. 1331-1345 - mai 2017 Retour au numéro
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