
Icariin combined with snailase shows improved intestinal hydrolysis and absorption in osteoporosis rats - 16/09/17

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.07.163 
Congyan Liu a, b, 1, Xia Gao a, b, 1, Yuping Liu a, b, Mengmeng Huang a, b, Ding Qu a, b, Yan Chen a, b,
a Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210028, People’s Republic of China 
b Multi-component of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Microecology Research Center, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210028, People’s Republic of China 

Corresponding author at: Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210028, People’s Republic of China.Affiliated Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western MedicineNanjing University of Chinese MedicineNanjingJiangsu210028People’s Republic of China

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Icariin has a significant anti-osteoporotic activity, but its clinical application is limited due to a poor oral bioavailability especially under pathological conditions like osteoporosis. Based on the intestinal absorption and metabolism characteristics of icariin in the osteoporosis rats, a kind of simple enteric capsules containing icariin and snailase was designed to overcome this issue in this study. Snailase was secleted as the most efficient exogenous hydrolase of icariin and the related hydrolysis reaction parameters were optimized in the artificial intestinal liquid. Moreover, the hydrolysates of icariin were proved more effective in promoting the rat calvarial osteoblast proliferation than icariin by the MTT assay. Therefore, snailase and icariin were packed into the enteric-coated capsules at an appropriate mass ratio of 1:1 to prepare the icariin loaded enteric-coated capsules (IECs), and then the in vitro release and in vivo pharmacokinetic behavior of IECs was evaluated. Icariin was almost completely hydrolyzed within 4h and approximately 89% of the total flavonoid had been released from IECs at 0.75h in the release medium, which met the requirement of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia on enteric preparations and the Weibull function model. The pharmacokinetic data showed IECs could significantly improved the integrated oral bioavailability of icariin by 50% compared to the IP (icariin without the snailase) in the ovariectomized rats, but no obvious difference was observed in the sham rats. The aforementioned results suggested that such a strategy of icariin combined with the snailase held a great potential in promoting the intestinal hydrolysis and absorption of icariin in the osteoporosis status, providing new research ideas for the active ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine with similar properties.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Icariin, Snailase, Hydrolysis, Intestinal absorption, Anti-osteoporosis, Integration pharmacokinetics


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Vol 94

P. 1048-1056 - octobre 2017 Retour au numéro
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