
TiO2-ZrO2 composite: Synthesis, characterization and application as a facile, expeditious and recyclable catalyst for the synthesis of 2-aryl substituted benzoxazole derivatives - 10/03/18

Doi : 10.1016/j.crci.2016.12.008 
Mahadeo R. Patil, Jayesh T. Bhanushali, Bhari Mallanna Nagaraja , Rangappa S. Keri
 Centre for Nano and Material Sciences, Jain University, Jain Global Campus, Kanakapura, Ramanagaram, Bangalore, 562112, India 

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The activity of an efficient mesoporous TiO2-ZrO2 composite catalyst for the synthesis of 2-aryl substituted benzoxazole derivatives using 2-aminophenol and substituted benzaldehydes/heterocyclic aldehydes at moderate temperature was studied. The catalyst was prepared by a co-precipitation method and characterized by X-ray diffraction, BET surface area and scanning electron microscopy. The effect of temperature, solvents and catalyst concentration on the synthesis of benzoxazole derivatives was systematically investigated. Short reaction times, green-reaction profiles, good to excellent yields, reliable cost efficiency, simple workup conditions and reusability of an eco-friendly catalyst are the noteworthy highlights of the reported method. The catalyst could be easily recovered and reused several times without any significant loss in the yield. The use of the present catalytic system to mediate the title chemical synthesis in a synthetic operation is important for the development of new atom-economic strategies and this is efficient in building complex structures from simple starting materials in an environmentally benign fashion.

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Graphical abstract

A new, green and sustainable approach for the synthesis of 2-substituted benzoxazoles by using a one-pot condensation reaction of 2-amino phenol and substituted aromatic aldehydes, catalysed by TiO2-ZrO2 has been reported. The remarkable advantages of this method are the efficiency, high yields with less reaction time, mild reaction conditions, clean product profile, ease of preparation of inexpensive and environmentally friendly catalyst, ease of product isolation and cost efficiency. These expedient changes made this approach an interesting alternative to the existing methods.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Benzoxazole, TiO2-ZrO2, Co-precipitation method, Mesoporous catalyst


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Vol 21 - N° 3-4

P. 399-407 - mars 2018 Retour au numéro
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