
Chimeric antigen receptor modified T cell (CAR-T) co-expressed with ICOSL-41BB promote CAR-T proliferation and tumor rejection - 18/09/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109333 
Wei Hu a, Xin Huang a, Xingyue Huang a, Wenwei Chen a, Lidan Hao a, Zubing Chen b,
a Department of Ultrasound, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Jiefang Road 238, Wuhan, 430060, China 
b Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery, Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University, Jiefang Road 238, Wuhan, 430060, China 

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G328Z-ICOSL-41BB T cells show stronger function to GPC3+ tumor cells in vitro.
G328Z-ICOSL-41BB T cells inhibit apoptosis by activating PI3K pathway.
G328Z-ICOSL-41BB T cells enhance antitumor effect in vivo.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


T cells edited by chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) have shown great potential in the treatment of tumors, especially malignant blood tumors. However, there remain many obstacles in the CAR-T therapy against solid tumors, such as the expansion of CAR-T cells ex vivo and the exhaustion of CAR-T cells in vivo. In order to solve these problems, we described a novel CAR which is targeting GPC3 by expressing CD28 co-stimulation domain and CD3z ITAM (G328z), meanwhile co-expressing ICOSL extracellular and transmembrane region fused with 41BB cytoplasmic domain (G328z-ICOSL-41BB). Compared with G328z, G328z-ICOSL-41BB fusion protein significantly reinforced the expansion ability of CAR-T cells ex vivo, and prolonged the survival time of mice with hepatocellular carcinoma. We now demonstrate that the enhancement of CAR-T cell activity is dependent on the enhanced PI3K signaling pathway and up-regulated expression of Bcl2 to inhibit apoptosis and promote proliferation of CAR-T cells. Besides, the CAR with ICOSL-41BB fusion protein have been strengthened significantly in comparison with fusing ICOSL protein only, which might be caused by the fact that ICOSL-41BB not only supplies ICOS signal for other cells, but also provides 41BB signal for itself. Consequently, CARs with ICOSL-41BB fusion protein could increase the therapeutic efficacy against solid tumors in vivo compared with the G328z CAR, which might further assist the development of potent and durable T cell therapeutics.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : CAR-T, GPC3, ICOSL, 41BB, HCC, PI3K


© 2019  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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