
Liupao tea extract alleviates diabetes mellitus and modulates gut microbiota in rats induced by streptozotocin and high-fat, high-sugar diet - 18/09/19

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109262 
Qianzhi Ding a, 1, Bowei Zhang b, 1, Wei Zheng a, Xiaojuan Chen a, Jie Zhang a, Renyi Yan a, Tao Zhang c, Liyan Yu c, Yuesheng Dong b, , Baiping Ma a,
a Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, No.27 Taiping Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100850, China 
b School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dalian University of Technology, 2 Linggong Road, Dalian, 116024, China 
c Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Dongcheng District, 1 Tian Tan Xi Li, Beijing, 100050, China 

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Liupao tea improved diabetes mellitus in rats induced by streptozotocin and high-fat, high-sugar diet.
Liupao tea showed beneficial effect on modulating gut microbiota composition.
SCFA-producing bacteria were up-regulated and SCFAs were increased in feces.
Twenty-nine key phylotypes were significantly correlated with diabetic indices.

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Liupao tea, a popular dark tea, exhibited anti-diabetic activity in Chinese tea culture. However, the bioavailability of the main active components is low. Therefore, the relationship between the anti-diabetic activity and the modulation of gut microbiota was investigated in this study for the first time. Liupao tea extract (LTE) could significantly alleviate hyperglycemia, insulin-resistance, and plasma lipid profiles. The hypoglycemic effect of high-dose LTE was comparable to that of metformin. Importantly, LTE exhibited beneficial effect on modulating the diabetic-induced disorder of gut microbiota, such as increasing Bacteroidetes/Firmicutes ratio and up-regulating putative short-chain fatty acid (SCFA)-producing bacteria, including Prevotella and Bacteroides. Moreover, 29 key phylotypes were significantly correlated with at least one diabetic index. In conclusion, LTE could be developed into an anti-diabetic functional beverage and its beneficial effects is likely to be associated with the prebiotic effects for increasing the level of SCFAs and the relative abundance of SCFA-producing bacteria.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


Keywords : Dark tea, Liupao tea, Gut microbiota, Diabetes mellitus, Prevotella, Short-chain fatty acid


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