
Mechanisms of induction of tumors by cholesterol and potential therapeutic prospects - 13/11/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2021.112277 
Yang Xi a , Zhou Yani b , Mao Jing b , Wu Yinhang c , Hou Xiaohui d , Zhuang Jing e , Qi Quan a, 1 , Han Shuwen a, , 1
a Department of Oncology, Huzhou Central Hospital, Affiliated Central Hospital Huzhou University, No.1558, Sanhuan North Road, Wuxing District, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000, China 
b Graduate School of Medical College of Zhejiang University, No. 268 Kaixuan Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029, China 
c Graduate School of Second Clinical Medicine Faculty, Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, No. 548 Binwen Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310053, China 
d Graduate School of Nursing, Huzhou University, No. 1 Bachelor Road, Wuxing District, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000, China 
e Department of Nursing, Huzhou Central Hospital, Affiliated Central Hospital Huzhou University, No.1558, Sanhuan North Road, Wuxing District, Huzhou, Zhejiang 313000, China 

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Increasing evidence suggested that cholesterol is an important integrant of cell membranes, that plays a key role in tumor progression, immune dysregulation, and pathological changes in epigenetic mechanisms. Based on these theories, there is a growing interest on targeting cholesterol in the treatment of cancer. Here, we comprehensively reviewed the major function of cholesterol on oncogenicity, the therapeutic targets of cholesterol and its metabolites in cancer, and provide detailed insight into the essential roles of cholesterol in mediating immune and epigenetic mechanisms of the tumor microenvironment. It is also worth mentioning that the gut microbiome is an indispensable component of cancer mediation because of its role in cholesterol metabolism. Finally, we summarized recent studies on the potential targets of cholesterol and their metabolism, to provide more therapeutic interventions in oncology.

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Graphical Abstract

Mechanisms of cholesterol regulating tumorigenesis, which including (1). Cholesterol regulates oncogenic signaling in the membrane and cytoplasm. (2). The cholesterol metabolism pathway and its metabolites regulate cancer development. (3) The epigenetic and immune mechanisms of cholesterol regulation in cancer. (4). Gut microbes also have significant functions in cancer progressions.


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Effect of cholesterol of cell membranes and cytoplasm on tumor proliferation.
Cholesterol metabolism in cancer development.
Gut microbiome and cancer progression mediated by cholesterol.
Epigenetic mechanisms of cholesterol in the regulation of tumor progression.
Cholesterol dysregulation and altered immune mechanisms in cancer.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Cholesterol, Metabolites, Gut microbiome, Immune, Epigenetic


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