
Quantification of clesrovimab, an investigational, half-life extended, anti-respiratory syncytial virus protein F human monoclonal antibody in the nasal epithelial lining fluid of healthy adults - 04/12/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2023.115851 
Jia Yao Phuah a, Brian M. Maas a, Aimin Tang a, Ying Zhang a, Luzelena Caro a, Radha A. Railkar a, Michael D. Swanson a, 1, Yu Cao a, Hankun Li a, Brad Roadcap a, Andrew P. Catchpole b, Antonios O. Aliprantis a, Kalpit A. Vora a,
a Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, NJ, USA 
b hVivo Services Ltd, 42 New Road, London, UK 

Corresponding author.



Clesrovimab (MK-1654) is an investigational, half-life extended human monoclonal antibody (mAb) against RSV F glycoprotein in clinical trials as a prophylactic agent against RSV infection for infants.


This adult study measured clesrovimab concentrations in the serum and nasal epithelial lining fluid (ELF) to establish the partitioning of the antibody after dosing. Clesrovimab concentrations in the nasal ELF were normalized for sampling dilution using urea concentrations from ELF and serum. Furthermore, in vitro RSV neutralization of human nasal ELF following dosing was also measured to examine the activity of clesrovimab in the nasal compartment.


mAbs with YTE mutations are reported in literature to partition ∼1–2 % of serum antibodies into nasal mucosa. Nasal: serum ratios of 1:69–1:30 were observed for clesrovimab in two separate adult human trials after urea normalization, translating to 1.4–3.3 % of serum concentrations. The nasal PK and estimates of peripheral volume of distribution correlated with higher extravascular distribution of clesrovimab. These higher concentration of the antibody in the nasal ELF corroborated with the nasal sample’s ability to neutralize RSV ex vivo. An overall trend of decreased viral plaque AUC was also noted with increasing availability of clesrovimab in the nasal ELF from a human RSV challenge study.


Along with its extended half-life, the higher penetration of clesrovimab into the nasal epithelial lining fluid and the associated local increase in RSV neutralization activity could offer infants better protection against RSV infection.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Respiratory syncytial virus, Monoclonal antibody, RSV, Nasal epithelial lining fluid, Urea normalization


© 2023  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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