
Carboxylated Pocoa polysaccharides inhibited oxidative damage and inflammation of HK-2 cells induced by calcium oxalate nanoparticles - 04/12/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2023.115865 
Peng Xiong a, b, Yu-Yun Zheng a, b, Jian-Ming Ouyang a, b,
a Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China 
b Institute of Biomineralization and Lithiasis Research, College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Guangzhou 510632, China 

Corresponding author at: Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, ChinaJinan UniversityGuangzhou510632China


The inhibitory effects of Chinese medicine Pocoa (PCPs) with different carboxyl group (-COOH) contents on oxidative damage and inflammatory response of renal epithelial cells and the influence of -COOH content in polysaccharides were investigated. HK-2 cell damage model was established by nanocalcium oxalate crystals (nanoCOM), and then PCPs with -COOH contents of 2.56% (PCP0), 7.48% (PCP1), 12.07% (PCP2), and 17.18% (PCP3) were used to protect the cells. PCPs could inhibit the damage of nanoCOM to HK-2 cells, increase cell viability, restore cytoskeleton and morphology, and improve lysosomal integrity. PCPs can reduce the oxidative stress response of nanoCOM to cells, inhibit the opening of mPTP and cell necrotic apoptosis, reduce the level of Ca2+ ions in cells, the production of ATP and MDA, and increase SOD expression. PCPs can also reduce the cellular inflammatory response caused by oxidative damage, and reduce the expression of nitric oxide (NO), inflammatory factors TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β and MCP-1, as well as the content of inflammasome NLRP3. After protection, PCPs can inhibit the endocytosis of nanoCOM crystals by cells. With the increase in -COOH content in PCPs, its ability to inhibit nanoCOM cell damage, reduce oxidative stress, reduce inflammatory response, and inhibit crystal endocytosis increases, that is, PCP3 with the highest -COOH content, shows the best biological activity. Inhibiting cell damage and inflammation and reducing a large amount of endocytosis of crystals by cells are beneficial to inhibit the formation of kidney stones.

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Graphical Abstract


Carboxylated polysaccharides inhibited oxidative damage and inflammation of HK-2 cells induced by calcium oxalate nanoparticles

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Carboxylated polysaccharides reduce nano-COM toxicity and inhibit cell damage.
Polysaccharide can reduce oxidative damage and inflammation of cells.
Polysaccharide can reduce cell death due to excessive ingestion of nano-COM.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Anti-inflammation, Carboxymethylated polysaccharide, Nanocrystals, Cytoendocytosis, Oxidative damage


© 2023  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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