
Licorice flavonoid alleviates gastric ulcers by producing changes in gut microbiota and promoting mucus cell regeneration - 04/12/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2023.115868 
Yufan Wu a, Yinglin Guo a, Tairun Huang b, Dehao Huang c, Li Liu a, Chunyan Shen a, Cuiping Jiang a, Zhuxian Wang a, Hongkai Chen a, Peiyi Liang a, Yi Hu a, Zeying Zheng a, Tao Liang a, Dan Zhai a, Hongxia Zhu a, , Qiang Liu a,
a School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510515, China 
b Faculty of Chinese Medicines, Macau University of Science and Technology, Taipa, Macau 
c Huizhou Jiuhui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Huizhou 516000, China 

Corresponding authors.


Licorice flavonoid (LF) is the main component of Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, a “medicine food homology” herbal medicine, which has anti-digestive ulcer activity, but the mechanism in anti-gastric ulcer (GU) remains to be elucidated. In this study, we manifested that LF increased the viability of human gastric mucosal epithelial (GES-1) cells, attenuated ethanol (EtOH)-induced manifestations, reduced histological injury, suppressed inflammation, and restored gastric mucosal barrier in GU rats. After LF therapy, the EtOH-induced gut dysbiosis was partly modulated, and short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyric acid, propionic acid, and valeric acid were found in higher concentrations. We discovered that the majority of genera that increased in the GU group had a negative correlation with SCFAs in the intestinal tract. In addition, LF-upregulated SCFAs boosted mucus secretion in the gastric epithelium and the expression of mucoprotein (MUC) 5AC and MUC6, particularly the MUC5AC in the gastric foveola. Moreover, LF triggered the EGFR/ERK signal pathway which promoted gastric mucus cell regeneration. Therefore, the findings indicated that LF could inhibit inflammation, promote mucosal barrier repair and angiogenesis, regulate gut microbiota and SCFA metabolism; more importantly, promote epithelial proliferation via activation of the EGFR/ERK pathway, exerting a protective and regenerative effect on the gastric mucosa.

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Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


LF notably alleviated damage of gastric tissue triggered by ethanol.
LF could ameliorate the level of GU-related factors, and gastric mucosal barrier.
Potential gut microbiota involved in the increase of SCFAs.
LF-upregulated SCFAs can enhance mucus secretion and play a protective role in gastric mucosa.
The mechanism may be related to the EGFR/ERK signal pathway that promoted gastric mucus cell regeneration.

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Keywords : Licorice flavonoid, Gastric ulcer, Gut microbiota, Short-chain fatty acids, Epithelial cell regeneration


© 2023  Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS.
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