
Secondary complications in Wassel II & IV thumb duplication: a comprehensive review of preventive measures - 23/01/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.hansur.2024.101642 
Ophélie Doucet a, Pharel Njessi b, Charlotte Jaloux c, d, Emilie Bougie a, e,
a Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada 
b Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada 
c Department of Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Surgery of the Limbs, La Timone University Hospital, Marseille, France 
d Institute of Neurophysiopathology, Marseille, France 
e Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada 

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Thumb duplication is one of the most challenging pediatric reconstructive hand surgeries. Wassel types II and IV are the most frequent, but also the most complex reconstructions as the duplication arises at the joint level. Ablation and reconstruction, the most widely used technique, aims at achieving a stable, well-aligned, mobile and esthetically acceptable thumb. The paucity of reliable surgical guidelines leads to high rates of suboptimal surgical outcomes. This review evaluated the various reconstruction techniques detailed in the literature and highlighted useful methods to prevent common secondary complications.


A comprehensive PubMed and Embase literature search was made. Inclusion criteria were Wassel type II and/or IV, pediatric patients, and primary or secondary surgeries. Exclusion criteria were Bilhaut-Cloquet reconstruction and its modifications. Techniques were screened, collected and analyzed for the following secondary complications: instability, axial deformity, and contour deformity.


Thirty-two articles met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. Postoperative instability was prevented by tightening the joint capsule by plication, advancement of the volar plate, or reconstruction of the collateral ligaments using a periosteal flap or the double-breasting technique. Axial deformity was prevented by arthroplasty, shaving a triangular portion of the metacarpal head, centralization of eccentric tendons, pulley reconstruction using flexor pollicis longus, or corrective osteotomies of the phalangeal or metacarpal bones using the wedge or oblique techniques. Limited range of motion was prevented by first webspace Z-plasty, and soft-tissue contouring was addressed by planned skin incisions and soft-tissue augmentation. Preoperative, perioperative and postoperative considerations, including splinting, imaging and immobilization, were also described.


Despite the ongoing advances and abundant knowledge in reconstructive strategies for thumb duplication, there are few studies that reviewed and analyzed the various reported options. This review provides physicians and trainees with guidance in surgical planning to prevent common secondary complications. Further research should focus on the development of standardized assessment tools, enabling reliable prospective comparative studies on thumb duplication reconstruction.

Level of evidence


Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Polydactyly, Thumb duplication, Wassel type II and IV, Congenital hand, Secondary deformities, Prevention measures


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