
Comparing pyridoxine with dopaminergic agonists (cabergoline and bromocriptine): Unveiling the strategy for lactation inhibition - A systematic review of clinical trials - 31/03/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2024.102783 
Oadi N. Shrateh a, , Kanwal Ashok Kumar b, Areesha Jawed b, Muhammad Hamza Shuja b, Hammad Ur Rehman Shamsi b, Mashhour Naasan a, c
a Faculty of Medicine, Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine 
b Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi 74200, Pakistan 
c Department of Obstetrics and gynecology, Istishari Arab Hospital, Ramallah, Palestine 

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This systematic review aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Pyridoxine compared to Dopaminergic agonists (cabergoline and bromocriptine) in post-partum lactation inhibition. Cochrane Central, PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Central, ScienceDirect, ClinicalTrials.gov, Web of Science, CINAHL and Google Scholar, covering the period from inception to November 2023. Additionally, the bibliographies of included articles and previous meta-analyses were screened for any relevant articles. The systematic review was conducted according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions. The outcomes of interest encompassed inhibition of lactation, breast pain/tenderness, breast engorgement, milk secretion, fever, mastitis, prolactin level and adverse events related to pyridoxine, cabergoline and bromocriptine. Methodological quality assessment was conducted using the Cochrane risk of bias assessment tool for rigorous evaluation. Three clinical trials assessed the effectiveness of pyridoxine and dopaminergic agents (cabergoline and bromocriptine) for lactation inhibition. It was assessed by using different assessment methods such as a scale for milk secretion, serum prolactin levels, and questionnaires for assessing breast engorgement, breast pain, and milk leakage. On the global assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of dopaminergic agents, it was found that there was significant inhibition of lactation as compared to pyridoxine (p < 0.001). In conclusion, this systematic review contributes significant insights into lactation inhibition interventions. Dopaminergic agonists, specifically cabergoline and bromocriptine, stand out as more effective and tolerable choices compared to Pyridoxine. These findings provide a foundation for informed clinical decisions and underscore the need for careful consideration of lactation inhibition strategies in diverse clinical contexts.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Pyridoxine, Dopaminergic agonists, Cabergoline, Bromocriptine, Lactation inhibition


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