
Primary CNS yolk sac tumor in the adult - 16/04/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.neuchi.2024.101557 
G. Corazzelli a, , V. Cioffi b, S. Di Colandrea c, S. Corvino a, S. Garofalo d, F. Fiorentino d, R. de Falco b, A. Bocchetti b
a Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Neurosciences, Reproductive and Odontostomatological Sciences, “Federico II” University, Naples, Italy 
b Neurosurgery Department, Santa Maria delle Grazie Hospital, ASL Napoli 2 Nord, Via Domitiana località La Schiana Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy 
c Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Santa Maria delle Grazie Hospital, ASL Napoli 2 Nord, Via Domitiana località La Schiana Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy 
d Department of Pathological Anatomy, Santa Maria delle Grazie Hospital, ASL Napoli 2 Nord, Via Domitiana località La Schiana Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy 

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Yolk sac tumor (YST) is a rare cancer that affects young people. Symptoms include visual problems, seizures, and paralysis. Treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy (CT), and radiation therapy (RT).
A man with seminoma and liver metastases had seizures and was found to have a lesion on the left frontal lobe. The tumor was removed through craniotomy surgery and identified as a pure-YST. Adjuvant RT and CT led to remission and the patient is symptom-free after two years.
Tumors were commonly found in the pineal region, cerebral lobes, and sellar region. Male and female patients had different overall survival but not among different tumor locations. There was no significant difference in overall survival between the two histological subtypes.
The study found that complete tumor resection along with radiation and chemotherapy is the best option for managing brain tumors. Females have a better prognosis. The patients were followed for an average of 28 months, with a median overall survival of 13 months.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Intracranial yolk sac tumor, Endodermal sinus tumor, Schiller-Duval bodies, Intracranial germ cell tumor


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Vol 70 - N° 4

Article 101557- juillet 2024 Retour au numéro
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