
Hydrogen sulfide dysfunction in metabolic syndrome-associated vascular complications involves cGMP regulation through soluble guanylyl cyclase persulfidation - 27/04/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.biopha.2024.116466 
M. Smimmo a, V. Casale a, G.M. Casillo a, E. Mitidieri a, R. d'Emmanuele di Villa Bianca a, I. Bello a, A. Schettino a, R. Montanaro b, V. Brancaleone b, C. Indolfi c, G. Cirino a, A. Di Lorenzo d, M. Bucci a, , E. Panza a, 1, V. Vellecco a, 1
a Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy 
b Department of Science, University of Basilicata, Potenza, Italy 
c Department of Molecular Medicine and Medical Biotechnology, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II, Naples 80131, Italy 
d Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Center for Vascular Biology, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, New York, USA 

Correspondence to: Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II, via D. Montesano 49, Naples 80131, Italy.Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico IIvia D. Montesano 49Naples80131Italy


Here, by using in vitro and ex vivo approaches, we elucidate the impairment of the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) pathway in vascular complications associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS). In the in vitro model simulating hyperlipidemic/hyperglycemic conditions, we observe significant hallmarks of endothelial dysfunction, including eNOS/NO signaling impairment, ROS overproduction, and a reduction in CSE-derived H2S. Transitioning to an ex vivo model using db/db mice, a genetic MetS model, we identify a downregulation of CBS and CSE expression in aorta, coupled with a diminished L-cysteine-induced vasorelaxation. Molecular mechanisms of eNOS/NO signaling impairment, dissected using pharmacological and molecular approaches, indicate an altered eNOS/Cav-1 ratio, along with reduced Ach- and Iso-induced vasorelaxation and increased L-NIO-induced contraction. In vivo treatment with the H2S donor Erucin ameliorates vascular dysfunction observed in db/db mice without impacting eNOS, further highlighting a specific action on smooth muscle component rather than the endothelium. Analyzing the NO signaling pathway in db/db mice aortas, reduced cGMP levels were detected, implicating a defective sGC/cGMP signaling. In vivo Erucin administration restores cGMP content. This beneficial effect involves an increased sGC activity, due to enzyme persulfidation observed in sGC overexpressed cells, coupled with PDE5 inhibition. In conclusion, our study demonstrates a pivotal role of reduced cGMP levels in impaired vasorelaxation in a murine model of MetS involving an impairment of both H2S and NO signaling. Exogenous H2S supplementation through Erucin represents a promising alternative in MetS therapy, targeting smooth muscle cells and supporting the importance of lifestyle and nutrition in managing MetS.

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Impaired NO and H2S signaling interplay in db/db mice leads to altered vasorelaxation.
Defective sGC/cGMP signaling represents a key factor in impaired vasorelaxation.
In vivo treatment with Erucin, a H2S donor, improves vasorelaxation via cGMP production.
Exogenous H2S persulfidates sGCα1 increases enzymatic activity and enhances cGMP levels.
Erucin improves vascular function through sGC persulfidation restoring cGMP content.

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Abbreviations : 3-MST, CBS, CSE, DPD, eNOS, ETHE-1, FeCl3, H2S, L-NIO, MetS, NO, NO2-, NO3-, PDE, sGC, SQRLD, cGMP, Cav-1, ROS

Keywords : H2S donors, aorta, db/db mice, soluble guanylyl cyclase, metabolic syndrome


© 2024  The Authors. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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