
Illness behaviour in neurological inpatients with psychiatric morbidity - 01/01/05

Doi : 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2004.12.013 
Lefteris Lykouras, MD, PhD, FICPM, Professor in Psychiatry a, b, , Maria Vassiliadou, PhD, Staff Psychologist a, Dora Adrachta, MD, Staff Psychiatrist a, Argyro Voulgari, PhD, Staff Psychologist a, Nikos Kalfakis, MD, Associate Professor in Neurology c, Constantine R. Soldatos, MD, Professor in Psychiatry a, b
a Department of Psychiatry, Athens University Medical School, “Eginition” Hospital, Athens, Greece 
b First Department of General Hospital Psychiatry, Athens University Medical School, “Attikon” Hospital, 1, Rimini Street, 124 10 Athens, Greece 
c Department of Neurology, Athens University Medical School, “Eginition” Hospital, Athens, Greece 

*Corresponding author. Fax: +30 210 532 6416.

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Objective. - The aim of the present study was to examine whether psychiatric morbidity can influence the type of illness behaviour of neurological inpatients.

Methods. - For this purpose, we compared neurological inpatients with and without psychiatric disorders (DSM-IIIR criteria) for the seven scales of Illness Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ) and searched for possible differences between the two patient subgroups.

Results. - Of the 105 neurological inpatients who participated in the study, 54 (51.4%) were diagnosed as having some type of psychiatric disorder. These patients scored significantly higher than patients without psychiatric morbidity in the scale of Irritability. A suggestive trend for higher scores in the scales of Hypochondriasis, Disease Conviction, and Affective Disturbance, and significantly lower score in the scale of Denial, in patients with psychiatric morbidity, were also found.

Conclusion. - The present study has shown that neurological inpatients with psychiatric morbidity tend to develop more intense illness behaviour than those without. The effect of psychiatric morbidity on certain components of illness behaviour in neurological patients can be taken into account when therapeutic strategies are planned.

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Keywords : Illness behaviour, Psychiatric morbidity, Neurological disorders


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Vol 21 - N° 3

P. 200-203 - avril 2006 Retour au numéro
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