
0543: Marfan syndrome diagnosed during childhood: focus on cardiac events in the French database - 07/02/15

Doi : 10.1016/S1878-6480(15)71616-2 
Sébastien Hascoët 1, Yves Dulac 2, Jean-Bernard Ruidavets 3, Thomas Edouard 4, Florence Arnoult 5, Bertrand Chevallier 6, Olivier Milleron 5, Laurence Olivier-Faivre 7, Bruno Leheup 8, Sylvie Odent 9, Sophie Dupuis-Girod 10, Cécile Zordan 11, Nicole Philip 12, Chantal Stheneur 6, Philippe Acar 2, Jean Ferrière 3, Guillaume Jondeau 5
1 CHU Toulouse, Hôpital des enfants, Pediatric cardiac surgery, Toulouse, France 
2 CHU Toulouse, Hôpital des enfants, Pediatric cardiology, Toulouse, France 
3 CHU Toulouse, Epidémiology, U 10 27, INSERM, Toulouse, France 
4 CHU Toulouse Hôpital des enfants, Endocrinologie pédiatrique, Toulouse, France 
5 CHU Bichat-Claude Bernard-APHP, Cardiologie, centre de référence pour le syndrome de Marfan et apparentés, Paris, France 
6 CHU Hôpital Ambroise Paré-APHP, Pédiatrie, Boulogne, France 
7 CHU Dijon Hôpital des enfants, Pédiatrie – Génétique clinique, Dijon, France 
8 CHU Nancy Brabois Hôpital d’enfant, Cardiologie pédiatrie, Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France 
9 CHU Rennes, Hôpital Sud, génétique, Rennes, France 
10 CHU Lyon, Hôpital Louis Pradel, Génétique clinique, Bron, France 
11 M3C CHU Bordeaux, Paediatric and congenital cardiology, Bordeaux, France 
12 CHU Hôpital La Timone Enfant-APHM, Génétique clinique, Marseille, France 


Life expectancy of patients with Marfan syndrome has increased, due to earlier diagnosis, better familial screening, regular follow-up (FU) and timely prophylactic aortic surgery (PASu). Incidence of aortic events in affected patients recognized during childhood is unknown.


465 patients with Marfan syndrome, diagnosed before 18 year-old between 1993 and 2013 were included in the French multicenter database. Cardio-vascular events (death, aortic dissection or PASu) were recorded


FU was complete for 69.5%. A cardio-vascular event occurred in 25 patients (5.4% 95CI 3.5-7.8%), including PASu (n=20, 4.3% 95CI 2.5-6.2%), aortic dissection (n=3, 0.6% 95CI 0.0-1.4%) and deaths (n=2, 0.4% 95CI 0.0-1.0%). 16 events (64%) occurred before 19 year-old (Median 15.0, min 2.8, interquartile 11.7-16.3; PASu n=12, deaths n=2 and dissection n= 2). One sudden death occurred in a 18 y.o. girl followed until the age of 14.3 under beta-blockade treatment. A 3.4 year-old boy with a FBN1 mutation diagnosed at the age of 1.1 died from respiratory distress and viral myocarditis.

An aortic surgery was performed in 23 patients (4.9%, 95CI 3.0-6.9%), including a Bentall procedure with mechanical aortic valve in 10 (43.5%), a valve sparing surgery in the remaining 13 (56.5%) and a supra-coronary graft in 4 (17.4%, dissection: n=2 and PASu: n=2). Mean age at the date of PASu was 17.1±6.5 year-old

Events occurred before or at inclusion in the database in 8 patients (32.0%) (PASu n=5, dissection n=2, death n=1). Dissection was observed before inclusion in 2 patients out of 3 and during pregnancy in 1 patient aged 25 and lost of FU until 19 year-old. Kaplan-Meier survival estimate indicates that 95% of patients remained free from events at eighteen and 78% at thirty year-old.


Prophylactic surgery for enlarged aorta is the main cause of cardiac events in patients with Marfan syndrome diagnosed during childhood. A quarter of them have a cardiac event before thirty year-old (figure next page).


Abstract 0543 – Figure: k.m. survival estimate free from cardiac events

Abstract 0543 – Figure: k.m. survival estimate free from cardiac events

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Vol 7 - N° 1

P. 45 - janvier 2015 Retour au numéro
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