
Transfer of distal peroneus longus tendon to tibialis anterior by retrograde fixation to treat spastic equinovarus foot in adults: Surgical Technique and Preliminary Results - 06/10/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2021.102935 
Olivier Delattre a, Thomas Sellenet a, Jose-Luis Barnay a, Thomas Chevillotte a, Marine De Tienda b,
a Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, 97200 Fort de France, France 
b Centre Hopitalier Universitaire Necker enfants malades, 149, rue de Sèvres, 75015 Paris, France 

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We describe a retrograde transfer of the distal tendon of the peroneus longus (PL) onto the tibialis anterior (TA) tendon to treat spastic equinovarus foot (SEVF) in adults. The fact that the distal tendon insertions of the PL and TA are a mirror image makes them antagonists. The aim is to divert the distal tendon in front the inactive distal PL tendon, by fixing to the TA in the middle third of the lower leg. This transforms it into a dorsiflexor and reinforces its eversion ability. The suture level helps to avoid skin impingement when wearing shoes, and the complications inherent to transosseous fixation. In a preliminary case series of 10 patients, we found no complications at a mean follow-up of 4.7 years. The Foot Posture Index-6 improved by an average of 2.4 points. Four patients had regained active dorsiflexion. All patients reduced their use of orthotics. All patients improved according to Goal Attainment Scaling.

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Keywords : Equinovarus, Spasticity, Tendon Transfer, Fibular


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Vol 107 - N° 6

Artículo 102935- octobre 2021 Regresar al número
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