
Deviations in positioning variable pitch screws- scaphoid waist fractures - 10/04/20

Doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2019.10.020 
Isabel Graul a, , Robert Lindner a, Nicky Schettler b, Reinhard Friedel a, Gunther O. Hofmann a, c
a Department of Trauma-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery, University Jena, Germany 
b Department of Trauma, Orthopedics and hand surgery, Helios Erfurt, Germany 
c Department of Trauma, BG Bergmanstrost, Halle, Germany 

Corresponding author at: Department of Trauma-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery, Friedrich-Schiller University, Am Klinikum 1, 07747 Jena, Germany.Department of Trauma-, Hand- and Reconstructive Surgery, Friedrich-Schiller UniversityAm Klinikum 1Jena07747Germany

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Operative therapy using a headless cannulated variable pitch compression screw is the gold standard for the treatment of instable scaphoid fractures.


Deviation from the central placement is associated with a loss of stability and stiffness.

Material and methods

An artificial bone model was manufactured and different screw positions (central, 10° and 20° to the long axis) were assessed. A shearing test with axial force on the 45° flexed scaphoid was applied.


The inserted variable pitch screw showed the highest stiffness and failure force in a position in the long axis. At 10 degrees, a slight decrease in stiffness (32.7N/mm±9.3N/mm) and failure force (41.6N±13.2N) was observed, while a significant reduction in stiffness (29.3N/mm±4.6N/mm) and failure force (50.3N±19.5N) was measured at 20 degrees.


Deviations in the angle of insertion of the compression screw cause loss in failure force, thus deviations from the central placement is associated with less stability and stiffness.

Level of proof

Controlled laboratory study (basic science study, biomechanical testing).

Il testo completo di questo articolo è disponibile in PDF.

Keywords : Scaphoid, Screw, Biomechanical


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Vol 106 - N° 2

P. 347-351 - Aprile 2020 Ritorno al numero
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